G.I. Yamanashi 山梨 / Saga 佐賀 / Nagano 長野: 8, 9, 10th Geographic Identification and breweries


G.I. Yamanashi 山梨 / Saga 佐賀 / Nagano 長野: 8, 9, 10th Geographic Identification and breweries


 Since April, the new calendar year in Japan, there were 3 New area appointed as G.I. which are Yamanashi, Saga, Nagano. All the new G.I. this time is in the extent of a prefecture.

 This time, ikki deliver information about 3 new G.I., and why they are appointed and which Sake are appointed.

G.I. Yamanashi 山梨

   On 28th April 2021, New area in Japan appointed as one of the geographic indication system: Yamanashi. Yamanashi is the prefecture which surrounded by mountains and water sourced to Yamanashi breweries are different to which mountain the water breweries use come from. 

 Generally, Sake from Tone Numata has a soft texture, clear taste and matches well with salty foods.

 The unique point of Yamanashi Sake is it is made of water from 6 different water systems, which are Yatsugatake, South Alps, Chichibusan, Fuji Misaka, Fuji, and all the water have different characteristics to make Yamanashi breweries brew exclusive Sake of their own.

 In Yamanashi, there are 12 breweries and find from click the link below .

The list of Yamanashi Sake breweries

G.I. Saga 佐賀

 On 14th June 2021, Seishu from Saga prefecture was officially certified as “G.I. Saga”.

 Generally, Saga Sake has a rich umami of rice, mellow mouth feel and sweetness derived from rice. Especially for Ginjo, Junmai, Honjozo type Sake, you can feel rich flavor from rice with lots of umami in Sake. It matches well with foods with thick taste.

 To find the breweries and Sake from Saga, please click the link below. 

The list of Saga breweries

G.I. Nagano 長野

 On 30th June 2021, Nagano was certified as new area of G. I. in Japanese Sake and also wine at the sam time.

 Generally Nagano Sake has a clear thick taste and gentle flavor with less off-flavor. Its well balanced sweetness and acidity with full of Umami matches well with foods with thick taste.

 To find the breweries and Sake from Nagano, please click the link below. 

The list of Nagano breweries


Thank you for your time!

See you in the next post!



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