Japanese Sake market report October 2021

Japanese Sake market report October 2021


Please find the updating market report of June 2021. As the data is available slightly late, this month ikki will deliver the statistics of August 2021.

To be precise, Sake on the data means exported products from Japan under HS code of 2206.00.

The data you can find is as below;


  1. Total exported volume and value August 2021
  2. Exported volume by area August 2021
  3. Exported amount by area August 2021
  4. Average FOB price August 2021
  5. Exchange rate October 2021


Please find the data below.

Total exported volume and value August 2021

 In August 2021, the exported volume reached to 3.6 million liters and the exported amount reached to 3.4 billion JPY.

 As you can see on the graph above, the export dropped on January, February due to covid, but it continues to grow after then and it would continue to grow towards Christmas. 

Exported volume by area August 2021

 In total, the market is getting back to the situation before covid and beyond.

 Especially in large market, such as Asia and America market, exported volume has been almost 1.5 times more than the last year in the same month.

Exported amount by area August 2021

 The graph above shows the change in exported amount in North/South America, East/West/South Asia, Oceania, North/East/West Europe and Africa.

As you can see the export amount to East Asia occupies large proportion and North America follows. It is growing in both market, but it is still harsh in South Asia due to covid. In August, the export to West Europe got more than South Asia.

Average FOB price August 2021

 As you can see above, FOB has been declining over the year. Nevertheless, with the fact export volume is increasing over the year, it is to tell that the export of reasonable Sake increased. In the other words, as world is getting recovered from covid, Sake has started to enjoy more widely than the most harsh moment.

Exchange rate October 2021

 USD is getting stronger agianst JPY and EUR is getting slightly weaker against JPY.

 It is an opposite movement to the movement of the last year, so we can say it is moving back.