SAKE NEWS from JAPAN – ikki Weekly Update 5th – 11th October 2020
In this ikki weekly news, ikki deliver what is happening in Japan in Sake industry for your knowledge as well as hints for your business.
Please note that if you would like to see photos or full contents, kindly visit the original site from the link below the news topic and use google translate to see the full news.
The updated news in 5th – 11th October 2020 is below;
[Brewery News]
Iwase Syuzo corporation, with the brand “Iwanoi 岩の井” launch the countdown project of 300 year anniversary of the brewery / Iwase Syuzo corporation
Ref. 「岩の井」の岩瀬酒造創業300周年に向けてカウントダウンキャンペーンを開始 / PR TIMES
[Brewery News]
Kitagawa Honke launched the project to protect Sake rice farmers and expect more supporters through crowd funding / Kitagawa Honke
Ref. 創業360年 京都・伏見の老舗酒蔵が酒米の契約農家を守るサポーターを募集! / PR TIMES
[World market]
Kochi prefectural office cooperate with Inagora: International EC platformer, to promote Sake in China / Inagora
Ref. 越境EC事業を展開するインアゴーラ 高知県庁と連携し、高知の地酒「土佐酒」を中国に展開 / PR TIMES
[New product]
1 Gou bottle Sake series to compare the taste of Sake from 27 different brands in Japan / Mistubishi Shokuhin
Ref. 本日新発売!「蔵べる」シリーズ / PR TIMES
[Event news]
Sake Hundred pairing with the dinner in Skyroom at Peninsula Tokyo / Clear
Ref. 日本酒ブランド「SAKE HUNDRED」が5つ星ラグジュアリーホテル 「ザ・ペニンシュラ東京」にてペアリングディナーを10月27日(火)に開催 / PR TIMES
Organic Skin care brand “REINT” from Hakkaisan brewery with the culture of Japanese fermentation and the technique in the brewery / Hakkaisan brewery
Ref. 発酵文化と蔵元ならではの醸造技術から生まれた、自然由来の化粧品ブランド『reint(れいんと)』が誕生 / PR TIMES
Movable bar on the truck “BAR TRUCK MEDIA TLUX” started / creator box
Ref. 日本初!カウンターと客席がある移動型バー「BAR TRUCK MEDIA TLUX(トラックス)」、10月9日(トラックの日)より運行スタート / PR TIMES