Muroka Sake 無濾過酒- Filtration & Finning
Many of you may have a confusion when understanding about “MUROKA SAKE”.
Muroka Nama Genshu has been a trend in Japan since few years ago, there were many restaurants and bars which offer Muroka Nama Genshu Sake only. Now, there are 3 words in Muroka Nama Genshu Sake, which are “Muroka” “Nama” “Genshu”.
Nama is 生 in Japanese, which means raw and Genshu is 原酒 in Japanese, which means unprocessed Sake. These translation from English to Japanese are very straight forward and easily understand, but Muroka which is 無濾過 is unfiltered in Japanese, but it does not mean simply without a filtration process, in Japanese “絞り”.
This time ikki delivers information about MUROKA SAKE.
For your reference please find the basic info about Sake brewing process from the link below;
What does the term “MUROKA”(無濾過) mean in Japanese?
With the direct translation, Muroka means “No filtration”. In English, shibori process is translated into filtration, so many people misunderstand Muroka Sake is the sake without shibori process, but it is wrong.
Precisely saying, there is no Sake without shibori process. There are several ways to cary out funa shibori in the process, for example Shizukutori is not pressing the bag when do shibori and collect the dripping from the bag to collect Sake.
Answering to the question “what is Muroka Sake?”, it means Sake without charcoal finning process.
Filtration and Finning
Filtration, shibori process is one of the brewing process after moromi process. Kurabito put fermented moromi into the bags and press the bag to separate malted leftover rice and liquid Sake.
On the other hand, charcoal finning process is different to filtration process. To get the clear, transparent Sake, active charcoal is added to filtered moromi to extract ori, sake lees left and other things making Sake looks cloudy.
To brew Muroka Sake, Sake need be produced without this charcoal finning process, 濾過 roka process in Japanese.
Muroka Sake vs Nama Sake vs Genshu
In many cases, once the Sake is muroka, it is likely to be Muroka and Nama and Genshu. There was a big trend of Muroka Nama Genshu Sake few years ago, as the taste is vibrant and genuine, how each process are differnet?
Muroka Sake is Sake without charcoal finning, so nothing extracted after moromi process. There are many things, like sake lees left in Sake, therefore the taste becomes more complex.
Nama Sake is Sake without Hiire 火入れ, pasteurization process. The fungus in Sake is still alive, so the taste becomes more lively and vibrant.
Genshu is Sake without adding water to control alcohol percentage. So the alcoholic percentages tend to be relatively high and the taste become more genuine.
Genshu is only the matter of adding water or not, but Muroka and Nama Sake is due to the contents of Sake it is easy to go off. So please store in proper storage condition for Sake and drink as fast as you can.
-Storage condition check from below-
Sake storage temperature – how to store Japanese Sake and ideal temperature
How to enjoy Muroka Sake
There are 2 ways to enjoy Muroka sake recommended.
1.As it is
Firstly please enjoy Muroka Sake at room temperature. It is the best way to find out the characteristics of Muroka Sake so please feel Muroka as it is.
2.On the rock
Secondly put ice cubes to Muroka Sake. By cooling the muroka Sake, it calms the Sake and get soften in your mouth.
At the last, please find your own way to enjoy Muroka Sake!
Hope you enjoyed the post.
See you in the next article!
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