ikki Weekly Update 17th-23rd August 2020
In this ikki weekly news, ikki deliver what is happening in Japan in Sake industry for your knowledge as well as hints for your business.
Please note that if you would like to see photos or full contents, kindly visit the original site from the link below the news topic and use google translate to see the full news.
The updated news in 17th – 23rd August 2020 is below;
Sake brewery in Kyoto: Kitagawa Honke and Sake rice farmer: Tanshu Kawakita Nouen start to sell Sake and Sake rice set on the online store of Kitagawa Honke “Okinaya” / Kitagawa Honke
Ref. 伏見の老舗酒蔵と契約農家が共同で販路を開拓!京都にこだわった日本酒と、卓ちゃん自慢のお米をセットで販売。/ PR TIMES
Okinaya URL : https://www.tomio-sake.co.jp/syouhin/okinaya.html
[New product]
Metal 3D printed Sake vessel “Choko” is released from 3D printing brand “Osho” / Ifuku Seimitsu Co., Ltd.
Ref. お酒を愉しむ器「Syuki」を発売 / PR TIMES
[New product]
Ume cocktail on Friday, CHOYA release 3 Ume cocktail in their outlet Kyoto / Choya Umeshu
Ref. 梅体験専門店「蝶矢」テイクアウトで梅カクテル3種を販売、お仕事帰りに金曜限定!8月21日(金)〜9月25日(金)18時〜20時 / PR TIMES
strong>[New Product]
Alcohol cocktail / mocktail recipe with Japanese herb tea brand “Concocon” on SNS / Car Damon
Ref. 「ジャパニーズハーブティー 今古今」おうち飲みで、氣を巡らせてリラックス!日本の五行茶×お酒の「五行カクテル」SNSキャンペーンにて、レシピを公開。/ PR TIMES
Famous SAKE event “Sake Spring” renamed as “Sakesp borderless” and held online from 5th September for 2 weeks / Nozomi
Ref. コロナに立ち向かうため京都の酒蔵8軒が立ち上がり、 画期的規模のオンラインイベントを開催 / value press
Event page: https://www.b.sakesp.com/
[New Product]
Hakutsuru release 1st Hiyaoroshi Sake with GI Nadagogou certificate with limited amount / Hakutsuru
Ref. 白鶴酒造は、「GI『灘五郷』」で認定された「特撰 白鶴 本醸造 山田錦 ひやおろし」を期間限定発売 / @Press