
Brewery List of Hyogo

Click the sake brewery name to see details.

Akashi Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Akashi Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 明石酒類醸造株式会社
Address 1-3 Ookurahachiman-cho Akashi-shi Hyogo 673-0871
WebSite http://www.akashi-tai.com/
TEL 078-919-0277
FAX 078-919-4377
Email info@akashi-tai.com
Product Japanese Sake / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Akashidai
Representative brand (JA) 明石鯛
Izawa Honke Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Izawa Honke Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 井澤本家合名会社
Address 818 Innami Inami-cho Kako-gun Hyogo 675-1111
WebSite http://izawa-honke.com/
TEL 079-495-0030
FAX 079-495-3318
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Yamatokozuchi
Representative brand (JA) 倭小槌
Izushi Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Izushi Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 出石酒造有限会社
Address 114-1 Uoya Izushi-cho Toyooka-shi Hyogo 668-0215
TEL 0796-52-2222
FAX 0796-52-2662
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Sasazuru
Representative brand (JA) 楽々鶴
Izumi Syuzou Inc.
Name (EN) Izumi Syuzou Inc.
Name (JA) 泉酒造株式会社
Address 1-9-6 Mikagetsuka-cho Higashinada-ku Kobe-shi Hyogo 658-0044
WebSite http://www.izumisyuzou.co.jp/
TEL 078-821-5353
FAX 078-851-3214
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Izumimasamune
Representative brand (JA) 泉正宗
Itami Oimatsu Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Itami Oimatsu Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 伊丹老松酒造株式会社
Address 3-1-8 Chuou Itami-shi Hyogo 664-0851
WebSite http://www.oimatsu.biz/
TEL 072-782-2470
FAX 072-782-5381
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Oimatsu
Representative brand (JA) 老松
Inami Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Inami Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 稲見酒造株式会社
Address 2-29 Shibamachi Miki-shi Hyogo 673-0414
WebSite http://www.aoitsuru.co.jp/
TEL 0794-82-0065
FAX 0794-82-2215
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Aoitsuru
Representative brand (JA) 葵鶴
Ibaraki Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Ibaraki Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 茨木酒造合名会社
Address 1377 Nishioka Uozumi-cho Akashi-shi Hyogo 674-0084
WebSite http://rairaku.jp/
TEL 078-946-0061
FAX 078-947-6047
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Rairaku
Representative brand (JA) 来楽
Imazu Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Imazu Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 今津酒造株式会社
Address 5-22 Imazushazen-cho Nishinominya-shi Hyogo 663-8229
TEL 0798-33-0069
FAX 0798-33-0245
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Ougimasamune
Representative brand (JA) 扇正宗
Uchida Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Uchida Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 打田酒造株式会社
Address 520 Tanimura Hikami-cho Tanba-shi Hyogo 669-3572
TEL 0795-82-0002
FAX 0795-82-0002
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Tanbatsuru
Representative brand (JA) 丹波鶴
Eigashima Shuzo Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Eigashima Shuzo Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 江井ヶ嶋酒造株式会社
Address 919 Nishijima Ookubo-cho Akashi-shi Hyogo 674-0065
WebSite http://www.ei-sake.jp/
TEL 078-946-1001
FAX 078-947-0002
Email info@ei-sake.jp
Product Japanese Sake / Whisky
Representative brand (EN) Kamitaka
Representative brand (JA) 神鷹
Eisen Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Eisen Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 栄泉酒造株式会社
Address 1977 Innami Inami-cho Kako-gun Hyogo 675-1111
TEL 079-495-0013
FAX 079-495-4034
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Eisen
Representative brand (JA) 栄泉
Oimatsu Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Oimatsu Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 老松酒造有限会社
Address 12 Yamasaki Yamasaki-cho Sisou-shi Hyogo 671-2577
WebSite http://s-oimatsu.com/
TEL 0790-62-2345
FAX 0790-62-8341
Email s-oimatu@tuba.ocn.ne.jp
Product Japanese Sake / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Oimatsu
Representative brand (JA) 老松
Ookuma Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Ookuma Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 大熊酒造株式会社
Address 146-1 Kinashi Katou-shi Hyogo 673-1461
TEL 0795-42-0020
FAX 0790-42-2663
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Botanzakari
Representative brand (JA) 牡丹盛
Oosawa Honke Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Oosawa Honke Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 大澤本家酒造株式会社
Address 1-13-28 Higashimachi Nishinomiya-shi Hyogo 662-0922
WebSite http://ohsawasyuzo.com/
TEL 0798-33-0287
FAX 0798-35-7270
Product Japanese Sake / Plum Wine
Representative brand (EN) Takaramusume
Representative brand (JA) 寶娘
Ozeki Corporation
Name (EN) Ozeki Corporation
Name (JA) 大関株式会社
Address 4-9 Imazudezaike-cho Nishinomiya-shi Hyogo 663-8227
WebSite http://www.ozeki.co.jp/index.html
TEL 0798-32-2111
FAX 0798-36-1538
Product Japanese Sake / Shochu / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Ozeki
Representative brand (JA) 大関
Ozeki Corporation Tanba Brewery
Name (EN) Ozeki Corporation Tanba Brewery
Name (JA) 大関株式会社 丹波工場
Address 1171 Fukui sasayama-shi Hyogo 669-2603
WebSite http://www.ozeki.co.jp/
TEL 079-558-0001
FAX 079-558-0936
Product Japanese Sake / Shochu / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Ozeki
Representative brand (JA) 大関
Ota Sake Brewing Co., Ltd. Nadachiyoda Brewery
Name (EN) Ota Sake Brewing Co., Ltd. Nadachiyoda Brewery
Name (JA) 太田酒造株式会社 灘千代田蔵
Address 2-1-7 Fukaeminami-cho Higashinada-ku Kobe-shi Hyogo 658-0022
TEL 078-411-9456
FAX 078-412-8956
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Doukan
Representative brand (JA) 道灌
Oonishi Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Oonishi Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 大西酒造株式会社
Address 316-1 Takokusa Inami-cho Kako-gun Hyogo 675-1116
TEL 079-495-0043
FAX 079-495-0043
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Aibijin
Representative brand (JA) 愛美人
Okada Honke Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Okada Honke Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 合名会社岡田本家
Address 1021 Yoshino Noguchi-cho Kakogawa-shi Hyogo 675-0017
WebSite http://www.okadahonke.jp/
TEL 079-426-7288
FAX 079-426-2323
Email okadahonke.ad@gmail.com
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Seiten
Representative brand (JA) 盛典
Okamura Shuzojo Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Okamura Shuzojo Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 岡村酒造場
Address 340 Kouzuki Sanda-shi Hyogo 669-1412
WebSite http://www.eonet.ne.jp/~okamura-sake/
TEL 079-569-0004
FAX 079-569-0238
Email kozuki@ares.eonet.ne.jp
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Chidorimasamune
Representative brand (JA) 千鳥正宗
Okutou Shoji Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Okutou Shoji Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 奥藤商事株式会社
Address 1419-1 Sakoshi Akou-shi Hyogo 678-0172
TEL 0791-48-8005
FAX 0791-48-8813
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Chushingura
Representative brand (JA) 忠臣蔵
Kasumitsuru Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Kasumitsuru Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 香住鶴株式会社
Address 600-2 Ohara Kasumi-ku Kami-cho Mikata-gun Hyogo 669-6559
WebSite http://www.fukuchiya.co.jp/
TEL 0796-36-0029
FAX 0796-36-3273
Product Japanese Sake / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Kasumitsuru
Representative brand (JA) 香住鶴
Kamimusubi Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Kamimusubi Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 神結酒造株式会社
Address 474 Shimotakino Katou-shi Hyogo 679-0212
WebSite http://www.kamimusubi.co.jp/top.htm
TEL 0795-48-3011
FAX 0795-48-2258
Email webmaster@kamimusubi.co.jp
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Kamimusubi
Representative brand (JA) 神結
Kamosho Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Kamosho Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 鴨庄酒造株式会社
Address 661-1 Uemaki Ichijima-cho Tanba-shi hyogo 669-4317
TEL 0795-85-0488
FAX 0795-85-0488
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Kacho Suehiro
Representative brand (JA) 花鳥末廣
Kariba Shuzojo Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Kariba Shuzojo Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 狩場酒造場
Address 500 Hagano Sasayama-shi Hyogo 669-2103
WebSite http://www.syuugetu.jp/
TEL 079-595-0040
FAX 079-595-0421
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Shugetsu
Representative brand (JA) 秀月
Kawabe Sake Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Kawabe Sake Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 川辺酒造有限会社
Address 9-2 Aza Minamikakiuchi Kizu Inagawa-cho Kawabe-gun Hyogo 666-0225
WebSite http://www.hanagoromo.co.jp/
TEL 072-768-0003
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Hanagoromo
Representative brand (JA) 花衣
Kanzaki Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Kanzaki Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 神崎酒造有限会社
Address 2033 Funatsu-cho Himeji-shi Hyogo 679-2101
WebSite http://www1.winknet.ne.jp/~carrot/k-osake1.html
TEL 079-232-0004
FAX 079-232-0004
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Manai no Tsuru
Representative brand (JA) 真名井の鶴
Kiku-Masamune Sake Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Kiku-Masamune Sake Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 菊正宗酒造株式会社
Address 1-7-15 Mikagehonmachi Higashinada-ku Kobe-shi Hyogo 658-0046
WebSite http://www.kikumasamune.co.jp/
TEL 078-851-0001
FAX 078-854-1001
Product Japanese Sake / Shochu / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Kiku-Masmaune
Representative brand (JA) 菊正宗
Kizakura Co., Ltd. Tanba Brewery
Name (EN) Kizakura Co., Ltd. Tanba Brewery
Name (JA) 黄桜株式会社 丹波工場
Address 1-19 Aza Dougaya Honjo Konda-cho Sasayama-shi Hyogo 669-2163
WebSite http://kizakura.co.jp/ja/
TEL 079-597-3161
FAX 079-597-3009
Product Japanese Sake / Shochu / Beer / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Kizakura
Representative brand (JA) 黄桜
Kitani Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Kitani Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 木谷酒造株式会社
Address 14-5 Ishizai-cho Nishinomiya-shi Hyogo 662-0928
WebSite http://www.kiichi-osake.jp/
TEL 0798-22-1255
FAX 0798-22-7918
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Kiichi
Representative brand (JA) 喜一
Kitayama Syuzo Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Kitayama Syuzo Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 北山酒造株式会社
Address 8-3 Miyamae-cho Nishinomiya-shi Hyogo 662-0947
WebSite http://www.bijinclub-shimabijin.co.jp/
TEL 0798-33-2121
FAX 0798-35-7030
Email kitayama@bijinclub-shimabijin.co.jp
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Shimabijin
Representative brand (JA) 島美人
Ginkai Shuzou Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Ginkai Shuzou Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 銀海酒造有限会社
Address 756-5 Sekinomiya Yabu-shi Hyogo 667-1105
WebSite http://ginkai.net/
TEL 079-667-2403
FAX 079-667-3005
Email 1897ginkai@hera.eonet.ne.jp
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Ginkai
Representative brand (JA) 銀海
King Jozo Co, Ltd.
Name (EN) King Jozo Co, Ltd.
Name (JA) キング醸造株式会社
Address 321 Takokusa Inami-cho Kako-gun Hyogo 675-1116
WebSite http://www.hinode-mirin.co.jp/
TEL 079-495-3986
Product Japanese Sake / Shochu / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Banshunishiki
Representative brand (JA) 播州錦
Kinpai Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Kinpai Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 金盃酒造株式会社
Address 6-3-1 ooishinigashi-cho Nada-ku Kobe-shi Hyogo 657-0043
WebSite http://www.kinpai.co.jp/
TEL 0120-71-5251
FAX 078-881-0378
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Kinpai
Representative brand (JA) 金盃
Kenbishi Sake Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Kenbishi Sake Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 剣菱酒造株式会社
Address 3-12-5 Mikagehonmachi Higashinada-ku Kobe-shi Hyogo 658-0046
WebSite http://www.kenbishi.co.jp/
TEL 078-451-2501
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Kenbishi
Representative brand (JA) 剣菱
Kobe Shushinkan Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Kobe Shushinkan Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 株式会社神戸酒心館
Address 1-8-17 Mikagetsuka-cho Higashinada-ku Kobe-shi Hyogo 658-0044
WebSite https://www.shushinkan.co.jp/
TEL 078-841-1121
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Fukuju
Representative brand (JA) 福寿
Kokusan Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Kokusan Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 國産酒造株式会社
Address 1-12-3 Higashimachi Nishinomiya-shi Hyogo 662-0922
WebSite http://nadajiman.co.jp/
TEL 0798-34-3456
FAX 0798-34-7129
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Kokusanichi
Representative brand (JA) 國産一
Konishi Brewing Company Ltd.
Name (EN) Konishi Brewing Company Ltd.
Name (JA) 小西酒造株式会社
Address 2-13 Higashiarioka Itami-shi Hyogo 664-0845
WebSite http://www.konishi.co.jp/
TEL 072-775-0524
Product Japanese Sake / Shochu / Beer / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Shirayuki
Representative brand (JA) 白雪
Konotomo Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Konotomo Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 此の友酒造株式会社
Address 508 Yanasemachi Santou-cho Asago-shi Hyogo 669-5103
WebSite http://www.konotomo.jp/
TEL 079-676-3035
FAX 079-676-3045
Product Japanese Sake / Shochu / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Konotomo
Representative brand (JA) 此の友
Koyama Honke Co., Ltd. Nadahamafukutsuru Brewery
Name (EN) Koyama Honke Co., Ltd. Nadahamafukutsuru Brewery
Name (JA) 株式会社小山本家酒造 灘浜福鶴蔵
Address 4-4-6 Uozakiminami-cho Higashinada-ku Kobe-shi Hyogo 658-0025
WebSite http://www.hamafukutsuru.co.jp/
TEL 078-411-8339
FAX 078-411-1091
Product Japanese Sake / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Hamafukutsuru
Representative brand (JA) 浜福鶴
Sakura Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Sakura Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 櫻酒造株式会社
Address 182-1 Aza Nagayanotsubo Inoue Tanbasasayama-shi Hyogo 669-2416
TEL 079-556-3158
FAX 079-556-3878
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Sakuraichimonji
Representative brand (JA) 櫻一文字
Sakuramasamune Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Sakuramasamune Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 櫻正宗株式会社
Address 5-10-1 Uozakiminami-cho Higashinada-ku Kobe-shi Hyogo 658-0025
WebSite http://www.sakuramasamune.co.jp/
TEL 078-411-2101
FAX 078-411-2102
Email sakura@sakuramasamune.co.jp
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Sakuramasamune
Representative brand (JA) 櫻正宗
Sawanotsuru Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Sawanotsuru Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 沢の鶴株式会社
Address 5-1-2 Shinzaikeminamimachi Nada-ku Kobe-shi Hyogo 657-0864
WebSite http://www.sawanotsuru.co.jp/
TEL 078-881-1234
FAX 078-861-0005
Product Japanese Sake / Shochu / Plum Wine
Representative brand (EN) Sawa no Tsuru
Representative brand (JA) 沢の鶴
Sanyouhai Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Sanyouhai Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 山陽盃酒造株式会社
Address 28 Yamasaki Yamasaki-cho Shisou-chi Hyogo 671-2577
WebSite http://www.sanyouhai.com/
TEL 0790-62-1010
FAX 0790-62-6218
Email info@sanyouhai.com
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Banshu Ikkon
Representative brand (JA) 播州一献
Shimomura Shuzoten Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Shimomura Shuzoten Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 株式会社下村酒造店
Address 957 Anji Yasutomi-cho Himeji-shi Hyogo 671-2401
WebSite http://www.okuharima.jp/
TEL 0790-66-2004
FAX 0790-66-3556
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Hokuharima
Representative brand (JA) 奥播磨
Shochikubai Shuzo Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Shochikubai Shuzo Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 松竹梅酒造株式会社
Address 13-10 Hama-cho Nishinomiya-shi Hyogo 662-0942
WebSite http://www.nadaichi.com/
TEL 0798-34-1234
FAX 0798-34-1238
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Nadaichi
Representative brand (JA) 灘一
Sennenichi Syuzou Corporation
Name (EN) Sennenichi Syuzou Corporation
Name (JA) 千年一酒造株式会社
Address 2485-1 Kuruma Awaji-shi Hyogo 656-2311
WebSite http://www.sennenichi.co.jp/
TEL 0799-74-2005
FAX 0799-74-3122
Email sake@sennenichi.co.jp
Product Japanese Sake / Plum Wine
Representative brand (EN) Sennenichi
Representative brand (JA) 千年一
Daiwa Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Daiwa Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 大和酒造株式会社
Address 1063-2 Nishijima Ookubo-cho Akashi-shi Hyogo 674-0065
TEL 078-947-0108
FAX 078-947-0108
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Yamatotsuru
Representative brand (JA) 大和鶴
Takara Shuzo Co., Ltd. Shirakabe Brewery
Name (EN) Takara Shuzo Co., Ltd. Shirakabe Brewery
Name (JA) 宝酒造株式会社 白壁蔵
Address 2-1-28 Ougi Higashinada-ku Kobe-shi Hyogo 658-0027
WebSite http://www.takarashuzo.co.jp
TEL 078-452-2851
FAX 078-452-2612
Product Japanese Sake / Shochu / Chuhai / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Shochukubai
Representative brand (JA) 松竹梅
Tajime Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Tajime Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 田治米合名会社
Address 545 Yanasecho Santo-cho Asago-shi Hyogo 669-5103
WebSite http://www.chikusen-1702.com/
TEL 079-676-2033
FAX 079-676-2738
Product Japanese Sake / Plum Wine
Representative brand (EN) Chikusen
Representative brand (JA) 竹泉
Tatsuuma-Honke Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Tatsuuma-Honke Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 辰馬本家酒造株式会社
Address 2-10 Tateishi-cho Nishinomiya-shi Hyogo 662-0943
WebSite http://www.hakushika.co.jp
TEL 0798-32-2727
FAX 0798-32-2700
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Kuromatsu Hakushika
Representative brand (JA) 黒松白鹿
Tanaka Shuzojo Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Tanaka Shuzojo Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 田中酒造場
Address 3-583 Honmachi Hirohata-ku Himeji-shi Hyogo 671-1114
TEL 079-236-0006
FAX 079-236-9334
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Shirasagi no Shiro
Representative brand (JA) 白鷺の城
Tsubosaka Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Tsubosaka Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 壺阪酒造株式会社
Address 1418-1 Maenosho Yumesaki-cho Himeji-shi Hyogo 671-2103
WebSite http://www.seppiko.jp/
TEL 079-336-0010
FAX 079-336-1530
Product Japanese Sake / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Kintsubo
Representative brand (JA) 金壺
Nakaootsuki Shuzojo Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Nakaootsuki Shuzojo Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 中大槻酒造場
Address 908-1 Nakatakeda Ichijima-cho Tanba-shi Hyogo 669-4302
TEL 0795-86-0003
FAX 0795-86-1125
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Tamatsurugi
Representative brand (JA) 玉つるぎ
Nadagiku Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Nadagiku Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 灘菊酒造株式会社
Address 1-121 Tegara Himeji-shi Hyogo 670-0972
WebSite http://www.nadagiku.co.jp/
TEL 079-285-3111
FAX 079-285-2021
Email nadagiku@nadagiku.co.jp
Product Japanese Sake / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Nadagiku
Representative brand (JA) 灘菊
Nishiumi Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Nishiumi Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 西海酒造株式会社
Address 1350 Kanagasaki Uozumi-cho Akashi-shi Hyogo 674-0071
WebSite http://www.soranotsuru.com/
TEL 078-936-0467
FAX 078-934-3003
Email webmaster@soranotsuru.com
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Sora no Tsuru
Representative brand (JA) 空乃鶴
Nishiyama Shuzojo Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Nishiyama Shuzojo Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 株式会社西山酒造場
Address 1171 Nakatakeda Ichijima-cho Tanba-shi Hyogo 669-430
WebSite http://www.kotsuzumi.co.jp/
TEL 0795-86-0331
FAX 0795-86-0202
Product Japanese Sake / Shochu / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Kozutsumi
Representative brand (JA) 小鼓
Nihonsakari Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Nihonsakari Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 日本盛株式会社
Address 4-57 Yogai-cho Nishinomiya-shi Hyogo 662-0921
WebSite http://www.nihonsakari.co.jp/
TEL 0798-32-2501
Product Japanese Sake / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Nihonsakari
Representative brand (JA) 日本盛
Hakutaka Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Hakutaka Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 白鷹株式会社
Address 1-1 Hama-cho Nishinomiya-shi Hyogo 662-0942
WebSite http://www.hakutaka.jp/
TEL 0798-33-0001
FAX 0798-36-6356
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Hakutaka
Representative brand (JA) 白鷹
Hakutsuru Sake Brewing co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Hakutsuru Sake Brewing co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 白鶴酒造株式会社
Address 4-5-5 Sumiyoshiminami-cho Higashinada-ku Kobe-shi Hyogo 658-0041
WebSite http://www.hakutsuru.co.jp/
TEL 078-822-8901
FAX 078-822-1456
Product Japanese Sake / Shochu / Wine / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Hakutsuru
Representative brand (JA) 白鶴
Hyakumangoku Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Hyakumangoku Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 百萬石酒造株式会社
Address 5-1-2 Shinzaikeminamimachi Nada-ku Kobe-shi Hyogo 657-0864
TEL 078-802-9510
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Hakumangoku
Representative brand (JA) 百万石
Fukunishiki sake Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Fukunishiki sake Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 富久錦株式会社
Address 1048 Mikuchi-cho Kasai-shi Hyogo 675-2223
WebSite http://www.fukunishiki.co.jp/
TEL 0790-48-2111
FAX 0790-48-2288
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Fukunishiki
Representative brand (JA) 富久錦
Fukumusume Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Fukumusume Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 富久娘酒造株式会社
Address 3-2-28 Shinzaikeminamimachi Nada-ku Kobe-shi Hyogo 657-0864
TEL 078-802-7800
FAX 078-881-2940
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Fukumusume
Representative brand (JA) 富久娘
Houmei Inc.
Name (EN) Houmei Inc.
Name (JA) 鳳鳴酒造株式会社
Address 73 Gofukumachi Tanbasasayama-shi Hyogo 669-2322
WebSite http://www.houmei.com/
TEL 079-552-1133
FAX 079-552-3383
Email hp-adm@houmei.com
Product Japanese Sake / Plum Wine
Representative brand (EN) Sasa no Shizuku
Representative brand (JA) 笹の滴
Honjo Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Honjo Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 本庄酒造株式会社
Address 4 Amashimomachi Minamiawaji-shi Hyogo 656-0544
WebSite http://nancho.atukan.com/
TEL 0799-55-0021
FAX 0799-55-0521
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Nancho
Representative brand (JA) 南長
Honda Shoten Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Honda Shoten Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 株式会社本田商店
Address 361-1 Takada Aboshi-ku Himeji-shi Hyogo 671-1226
WebSite http://www.taturiki.com/
TEL 079-273-0151
FAX 079-274-2454
Email info@taturiki.com
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Tatsuriki
Representative brand (JA) 龍力
Matsuo Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Matsuo Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 松尾酒造有限会社
Address 422 Matsuo Taishi-cho Ibo-gun Hyogo 671-1576
TEL 079-276-0288
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Kyokuryu
Representative brand (JA) 旭龍
Mandai Oosawa Jozo Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Mandai Oosawa Jozo Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 万代大澤醸造株式会社
Address 1-13-25 Higashimachi Nishinomiya-shi Hyogo 662-0922
TEL 0798-34-1300
FAX 0798-34-3968
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Tokuwaka
Representative brand (JA) 徳若
Miyake Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Miyake Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 三宅酒造株式会社
Address 917 Nakano-cho Kasai-shi Hyogo 675-2102
TEL 0790-49-0003
FAX 0790-49-0749
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Kikunihon
Representative brand (JA) 菊日本
Miyakobijin Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Miyakobijin Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 都美人酒造株式会社
Address 247 Enaminishigawa Minamiawaji-shi Hyogo 656-0424
WebSite http://www.miyakobijin.co.jp/
TEL 0799-42-0360
FAX 0799-42-4899
Email awaji@miyakobijin.co.jp
Product Japanese Sake / Plum Wine
Representative brand (EN) Miyakobijin
Representative brand (JA) 都美人
Meijo Sake Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Meijo Sake Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 名城酒造株式会社
Address 2222-5 Toyotomi Toyotomi-cho Himeji-shi Hyogo 679-2123
WebSite http://www.meijoshuzou.co.jp/
TEL 079-264-0181
FAX 076-264-2520
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Meijo
Representative brand (JA) 名城
Yaegaki Sake & Spirits Inc.
Name (EN) Yaegaki Sake & Spirits Inc.
Name (JA) ヤヱガキ酒造株式会社
Address 681 Mukudani Hayashida-cho Himeji-shi Hyogo 679-4211
WebSite http://www.yaegaki.co.jp/sake/
TEL 079-268-8080
FAX 079-268-8088
Product Japanese Sake / Shochu / Plum Wine
Representative brand (EN) Yaegaki
Representative brand (JA) 八重垣
Yasui Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Yasui Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 安井酒造有限会社
Address 67 Higashihonjo Sanda-shi Hyogo 669-1357
TEL 079-568-1003
FAX 079-568-1003
Product Japanese Sake / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Mukoizumi
Representative brand (JA) 武庫泉
Yasufuku Matashiro Shoten Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Yasufuku Matashiro Shoten Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 株式会社安福又四郎商店
Address 1-5-10 Mikagetsukamachi Higashinada-ku Kobe-shi Hyogo 658-0044
WebSite http://daikoku-m.com/
TEL 078-851-0151
FAX 078-851-0156
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Daikokumasamune
Representative brand (JA) 大黒正宗
Yatsushika Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Yatsushika Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 八鹿酒造株式会社
Address 461-1 Kuroku Youka-cho Yabu-shi Hyogo 667-0031
WebSite http://www.yatsushika.com/
TEL 079-662-2032
FAX 079-663-1405
Product Japanese Sake / Shochu / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Yoshino
Representative brand (JA) 吉野
Yamana Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Yamana Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 山名酒造株式会社
Address 211 Ueda Ichijima-cho Tanba-shi Hyogo 669-4322
WebSite http://www.okutamba.co.jp/
TEL 0795-85-0015
FAX 0795-85-0291
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Okutanba
Representative brand (JA) 奥丹波