SAKE NEWS from JAPAN – ikki Weekly Update 12th – 18th


SAKE NEWS from JAPAN – ikki Weekly Update 12th – 18th



In this ikki weekly news, ikki deliver what is happening in Japan in Sake industry for your knowledge as well as hints for your business.

Please note that if you would like to see photos or full contents, kindly visit the original site from the link below the news topic and use google translate to see the full news.


The updated news in 12th – 18th April 2021 is below;


New product

Kikkawa Jozo released New Japanese Sake brand “Afuri”(rain wall in Japanese) / Shimada group

Ref.老舗日本酒蔵の新たなブランド「雨降(AFURI)」4月17日(土)より発売開始。フランスの権威あるフェミナリーズ世界ワインコンクール2021 日本酒部門で金賞・銀賞同時受賞!/ PR TIMES




New product

Japanese Sake with water, loved by the famous tea ceremony influencer Rikyu, and the latest technology “Keen Guin”(Gold and Silver) / Liquor Innovation

Ref.【数量限定】千利休の愛した名水と、最先端技術が生んだ最高傑作「金銀 別誂」抽選販売開始/PR TIMES





Award in Japan

17th Glass bottle award in Japan: Mitsubishi Shokuhin recieved the 1st prize / Japan Glass bottle association

Ref.「第17回ガラスびんアワード」各受賞商品決定 エントリー本数、過去最高を記録!サスティナブル、エシカルなど環境を意識した商品が多数エントリー/PR TIMES



Traditional glass ware

Edo Kiriko, traditional Japanese glass ware, festival and competition. No.1 Edo Kiriko is… / caramo

Ref.\一般WEB審査No.1決定!/一般の方から選ばれた江戸切子の新作、栄えある1位は…!?WEB投票により選ばれた「藤巻百貨店賞」ついに発表!/ PR TIMES