SAKE NEWS from JAPAN – ikki Weekly Update 30th November – 6th December 2020
In this ikki weekly news, ikki deliver what is happening in Japan in Sake industry for your knowledge as well as hints for your business.
Please note that if you would like to see photos or full contents, kindly visit the original site from the link below the news topic and use google translate to see the full news.
The updated news in 30th November – 6th December 2020 is below;
[New Product]
“The Gin Master” made of Sake kasu”Sake lee” received Gold and Silver in The Spirits Business / Ethical Spirits
Ref.エシカル・スピリッツ『LAST』シリーズが「The Gin Masters」でゴールドとシルバーを受賞!/ PR TIMES
[New Product]
Brand New Japanese Spirits “IMUGE.” from Okinawa / IMUGE.
Ref.幻の沖縄スピリッツ『イムゲー』が本格的に拡大始動!12月よりさまざまな飲食店で、いよいよ取り扱い始まる。〜和食、スペイン料理、燻製もイケる!〜/PR TIMES
Tokyo City Football Club collabs with Asaya Winery to establish original wine project / Playnew
Ref.TOKYO CITY F.C.所属の阿部翔平が念願のワイン造り!?あさや葡萄酒とコラボしたオリジナルワイン「ISSHU」プロジェクトの動画が公開!/_ PR TIMES
[New Product]
Setouchi brewery released New vintage wine “2019 Kinpa Chardonnay” / Setouchi Brewery
Ref.瀬戸内醸造所 新ヴィンテージ「2019 Kinpa シャルドネ」を発売/ PR TIMES
Craft coke made of Hakkaisan Amazake “Umami Cola” / Fandri
Ref.八海山の甘麹の甘酒ベースのクラフトコーラ「UMAMI COLA」が、クラウドファンディングを「ふぁんドリ」で開始/ PR TIMES