SAKE NEWS from JAPAN – ikki Weekly Update 26th October – 1st November 2020
In this ikki weekly news, ikki deliver what is happening in Japan in Sake industry for your knowledge as well as hints for your business.
Please note that if you would like to see photos or full contents, kindly visit the original site from the link below the news topic and use google translate to see the full news.
The updated news in 26th October – 1st November 2020 is below;
[New Product]
Umeshu with original production method “mume” released / Liquor Innovation
Ref.日本初の新製法で “旬の完熟梅 ” の香りを閉じ込めた香り味わう天然梅酒「mume」、10/27(火)20:00 新発売!/ PR TIMES
[New Product]
Sake aged in Chivas Regal barrel “Link 8888” released / Pernod Ricard Japan
Ref.「シーバスリーガル」の樽で熟成した日本酒『リンク 8888』2020年新酒を11月9日(月)から数量限定発売/PR TIMES
[Brewery News]
Brewery Open day of Kitagawa Honke to be the brewery which people can see their face / Kitagawa Honke
Ref.オンライン蔵開きで魅力を公開!新しい「顔の見える酒造り」への挑戦/_ PR TIMES
[New Product]
Revival alcohol from Ancient Ryuku Kingdom “IMUGE” limited edition released / IMUGE.
Ref.琉球王国時代に生まれたお酒を現代に復刻!沖縄生まれの新ジャンルのスピリッツ2020年11月30日(月)まで沖縄のイオン那覇店、サンエー那覇メインプレイスなどで販売。/ PR TIMES
[New Product]
“Sleepy Owl” Barley shochu aged in white oak barrel for 12 years released / Satsuma Shuzo Co., Ltd.
Ref.12年貯蔵本格麦焼酎の魅力をリキュールで、こだわりの樽で貯蔵した『SLEEPY OWL』数量限定で新発売/ PR TIMES
First outlet in Japan: The bar serves Gin Tonic only “The World Gin&Tonic (Antonic)” opened in Nakameguro Tokyo / Antonic
Ref.日本初のジントニック専門店〔Antonic〕、10月31日(土)東京・中目黒にオープン。/_ PR TIMES