SAKE NEWS from JAPAN – ikki Weekly Update 22nd – 28th February 2021
In this ikki weekly news, ikki deliver what is happening in Japan in Sake industry for your knowledge as well as hints for your business.
Please note that if you would like to see photos or full contents, kindly visit the original site from the link below the news topic and use google translate to see the full news.
The updated news in 22nd – 28th February 2021 is below;
[New brewery]
Imuraya, the food processing company especially Japanese Sweets, took over Sake brewery in Mie and launched Sake brewing / Imuraya Co., Ltd.
Ref.地産地消を追求した井村屋グループ初の酒事業がいよいよスタート!『福和蔵(ふくわぐら) 純米酒/純米吟醸酒』を発売予定!/ PR TIMES
[New product]
New Sake from New Kuramoto. Obama shuzo released new brand with local ingredients from Fukui “WAKASA” / Obama Shuzo
Ref.新進気鋭の酒蔵が醸す、“オール福井産”大吟醸酒「大吟醸わかさ」を2月より発売開始/PR TIMES
Craftsmanship in Swiss and Japan collaborate. Frank Muller from Geneva produced original bottles for Moriizo, Kagoshima Sweet potato shochu, and released limited box at GINZA SIX / World Commerce Corporation
Ref.フランク ミュラー│【GINZA SIX限定】フランク ミュラー×極上 森伊蔵に白薩摩セットが登場/PR TIMES
[Against covid-19]
Japanese Sake project against corona in Shikoku. 88 Sake gift box from 50 breweries inspired by Ohenro mairi, religious round trip in Shikoku going around 88 temples. / Saylor
Ref.四国遍路と四国の酒蔵を応援!「四国銘酒88 おへんろ絵巻」を3月3日から発売/ PR TIMES