SAKE NEWS from JAPAN – ikki Weekly Update 21st-27th September 2020


SAKE NEWS from JAPAN – ikki Weekly Update 21st-27th September 2020

In this ikki weekly news, ikki deliver what is happening in Japan in Sake industry for your knowledge as well as hints for your business.

Please note that if you would like to see photos or full contents, kindly visit the original site from the link below the news topic and use google translate to see the full news.


The updated news in 21st-27th September 2020 is below;


[Sake Event]

Online Sake brewery tour campaign “Nada no Sakagura Tambo2020″(灘の酒蔵探訪2020) from 10/18~11/23 / Kobe Tourism Bureau

Ref. オンライン初開催! 日本一の酒どころ神戸「灘五郷」の酒蔵めぐり「灘の酒蔵探訪2020」特設サイトがオープンしました!/ PR TIMES



[New Move]

Obata Shuzo release New brand “Gakkou Gura”(学校蔵) from Sake District / Obata Shuzo

Ref. 廃校を酒蔵として再⽣させた「学校蔵」で仕込んだ⽇本酒を10⽉1⽇より発売。/ PR TIMES




Sake culture from Saga meets Street culture: SAGA SAKE COLLECTION / Saga Prefecture

Ref. 佐賀県×atmos『SAGA SAKE COLLECTION 』プロモーション動画を本日公開!/ PR TIMES




[New Product]

Double insulated Sake ware for Kan Sake “ORI-EN” / New World

Ref. 熱くない熱燗を。酒器「折燕 ORI-EN」Makuakeにて先行発売開始 / PR TIMES



[New Product]

Cocktail by a professional bartender at home “Bottled Cocktail” released /  JCC agent

Ref. 自宅にいながらプロのカクテルが味わえる「 Bottled Cocktail(ボトル カクテル)」新発売! / PR TIMES



[Sake Event]

Special website for Sake to enjoy with beautiful moon in Autumn “Gekkeikan Tsukimisake 31 nights” / Gekkeikan

Ref. 今年は二度の満月が楽しめる 月桂冠スペシャルサイト「月見酒の31夜」を公開 / PR TIMES