SAKE NEWS from JAPAN – ikki Weekly Update 17th May 2021-


SAKE NEWS from JAPAN – ikki Weekly Update 17th May 2021-

In this ikki weekly news, ikki deliver what is happening in Japan in Sake industry for your knowledge as well as hints for your business.

Please note that if you would like to see photos or full contents, kindly visit the original site from the link below the news topic and use google translate to see the full news.


The updated news in the week of 17th May 2021 is below;



New edition: Kinobi edition K

Pernod Ricard Japan collaborated with a single malt distillery and “Kinobi edition K” released / Pernod Ricard Japan

japanese dry gin

Ref.ジャパニーズ・クラフト・ジン「季の美 京都ドライジン」よりシングルモルトウイスキー蒸溜所とのコラボレーションで誕生した「季の美 京都ドライジン エディションK」5月24日(月)より数量限定発売!/ PR TIMES



Kobe product: Hakutsuru & Kobe wine

Hakutsuru and Kobe winery act to encourage the cultivation of grapes for Kobe local wine production / Hakutsuru

Hakutsuru Kobe wine

Ref.白鶴酒造株式会社×神戸ワイナリー 神戸市特産品ワイン用ブドウ生産振興にむけ連携開始/ PR TIMES




Joint research on microbiome

BIOTA Inc. and Tsuchida Sake brewery jointly research on microbiome in Sake brewery and brewing process / BIOTA Inc.

joint researh sake

Ref.株式会社BIOTA、土田酒造株式会社と酒蔵内マイクロバイオームの共同研究を開始/PR TIMES





Masumi launches Instagram project about pairing

Sommelier and  chef introduces how to pair sake/ Miyasaka Jozomasumi pairing live

Ref.日本酒ペアリング最前線!日本酒の魅力を増幅するペアリングのテクニックや知識を、ソムリエやシェフが解説!/PR TIMES