SAKE NEWS from JAPAN – ikki Weekly Update 15th – 21st March 2021


SAKE NEWS from JAPAN – ikki Weekly Update 15th – 21st March 2021



In this ikki weekly news, ikki deliver what is happening in Japan in Sake industry for your knowledge as well as hints for your business.

Please note that if you would like to see photos or full contents, kindly visit the original site from the link below the news topic and use google translate to see the full news.


The updated news in 15th – 21st March 2021 is below;


Restart brewing

Get over the crisis. Suzuki Shuzoten, Fukushima, restart brewing over 10 years and released New brand “Tadaima”(I’m back). Collaboration sweets “Junpaku beads” released with the Sake / HIGASHI NO SHOKU NO KAI

Ref.福島・浪江の酒蔵「鈴木酒造店」、震災から10年でようやく地元での酒造りを再開。これに合わせ、共同開発した酒粕の豆菓子「純粕美珠」を新発売 / PR TIMES




Online event

Virtual YouTuber(VTuber) Sake brewery support project. Enjoy Japanese Sake in the original bottles with VTubers / Liquor Innovation

Ref.「VTuber酒蔵応援プロジェクト」第2弾開催!オリジナルラベル酒でVTuberと「#Vノ酒花見宴会」/PR TIMES






Japanese Sake start up [NAORAI] collaborate with SETO SHIKKUI to build their own factory by DIY / NAORAI

Ref.日本酒酒蔵ベンチャーナオライが瀬戸漆喰とコラボし、瀬戸内にSDGsを目指した生産所をDIYで設立。/PR TIMES



Revival of the brand

Urakasumi from Miyagi revived the brand “HEKIYU 碧友” from early Showa era / Saura Co., Ltd.

Ref.宮城の酒蔵が昭和初期の銘柄「碧友(へきゆう)」を復活 「人と人をつないでいきたい」 という想いを込め、「碧友 浦霞 大吟醸ブレンド」として新発売/ PR TIMES