SAKE NEWS from JAPAN – ikki Weekly Update 15th – 21st February 2021


SAKE NEWS from JAPAN – ikki Weekly Update 15th – 21st February 2021



In this ikki weekly news, ikki deliver what is happening in Japan in Sake industry for your knowledge as well as hints for your business.

Please note that if you would like to see photos or full contents, kindly visit the original site from the link below the news topic and use google translate to see the full news.


The updated news in 15th – 21st February 2021 is below;



V tuber craft Japanese Sake! Ramy’s Sake brew project supported by Meiri Shrui / Meiri Shurui

Ref.ホロライブ5期生・雪花ラミィが自身の手で日本酒をつくる「ラミィの日本酒づくりプロジェクト」、明利酒類が全面協力/ PR TIMES





Ethical Sweets with Sake Kasu from King Jozo. With 150 year old Mirin “Hinode Mirin”, established New sweets brand “Oryzae Joy”/ King Jozo

Ref.創業120年「日の出みりん」キング醸造のSDGs実現に向けた新ブランド ORYZAE JOY第3弾 「ショコラサンド」 2月15日発売 酒粕嫌いが開発した「酒粕入りエシカルスイーツ」/PR TIMES




[Against covid19]

The pairing event of seafood and Japanese Sake in NY. You can experience Sake brewery visit online / JFOODO

Ref.ニューヨークで魚介類と日本酒の魅力を伝えるコロナ禍での新しいペアリング体験〜日本の酒蔵を訪問したかのような体験ができるスペシャル動画も公開〜/PR TIMES




Luxury moment at home. Nihonsakari releases “Nihonsakari Oak barrel Junmaishu 8year aging” / Nihonsakari

Ref.おうち時間を贅沢に。大人のための日本酒「日本盛 オーク樽 純米酒〈8年熟成〉500ml 」数量限定販売のお知らせ/ PR TIMES