SAKE NEWS from JAPAN – ikki Weekly Update 7th – 13th September 2020
In this ikki weekly news, ikki deliver what is happening in Japan in Sake industry for your knowledge as well as hints for your business.
Please note that if you would like to see photos or full contents, kindly visit the original site from the link below the news topic and use google translate to see the full news.
The updated news in 7th – 13th September 2020 is below;
[New Sake Product from brewery]
Create new value of Sake with ART : “MIZUBASHO Artist Series” released on 10th Sept / Nagai Sake Inc.
Ref. 日本酒をよりカジュアルで身近なものに「MIZUBASHO Artist Series-水芭蕉アーティストシリーズ-」9月10日新発売!/ PR TIMES
[New Sake Service from Japan]
Personalized Online Sommelier and wine delivery service “Pocket Sommelier” launched / APERITE
[New Sake Outlet from brewery]
Connect people with Dassai “Dassai bar” opend for a limited time at New Maru Bldg 7th floor / Asahi shuzo Co., Ltd.
Ref.「ここは、人が主役の空間です」獺祭を通して、人と人が結びつく場所「獺祭バー」を新丸ビル7階に10月1日オープン / PR TIMES
[Innovative Sake related Product]
Beautiful skin with Japanese Traditional Skin care essence “RICE FACE MASK” released / non-title
Ref. 日本の伝統的な美肌成分『糀』に着目した発酵スキンケア ゆらぎ肌に悩む現代女性へ「KOUJI HIME」フェイスマスク新発売 / PR TIMES
[New Sake Product from brewery]
Autumn season Sake with SMV at +20 “Super dry Junmai Genshu Hiyaoroshi Manotsuru” released / Obata Shuzou Co., Ltd.
Ref. 日本でも有数の辛さの秋限定日本酒「超・真野鶴ひやおろし」を9月9日より発売。/ PR TIMES
[New Sake Product from brewery]
Japanese Sake with new aroma 4MMP “YAMANO KOTOBUKI FREAKS 2” released / Yamano Kotobuki Shuzo
Ref.日本酒の新しい香り4MMPが香る日本酒「ヤマノコトブキ フリークス2」新発売 / PR TIMES