ikki Weekly Update 31st August – 6th September 2020
In this ikki weekly news, ikki deliver what is happening in Japan in Sake industry for your knowledge as well as hints for your business.
Please note that if you would like to see photos or full contents, kindly visit the original site from the link below the news topic and use google translate to see the full news.
The updated news in 31st August – 6th September 2020 is below;
[New service]
New portal EC website to enjoy alcohol and enjoy life “私と ALC. from Wakatsuru” launched / GRN Inc.
Ref. お酒が楽しいと人生が楽しい。お酒のためのポータルECサイト「私と、ALC.FROM WAKATSURU 令和蔵」開設 / PR TIMES
[New product]
Limited product: GI Nadagogou Hiyaoroshi from Nihonsakari / Nihonsakari Co., Ltd.
Ref. GI灘五郷認定商品「日本盛 ひやおろし 特別純米酒720ml瓶」数量限定発売のお知らせ / PR TIMES
Sake cocktail base to warm “Atatametemo oishii”(温めてもおいしい) released / Gekkeikan
Ref. 月桂冠、「温めてもおいしい」日本酒ベースのリキュールを秋冬限定発売「甘口レモン」「ライムジンジャー」「焼きりんご」そのまま飲んでも温めても!寒い季節にぴったりのお酒 / PR TIMES
25 breweries from Aichi release same brand with same design in mini bottle “Akisakesoroe 2020 Autumn Sake collection” release / Zip-FM
Ref. 愛知県内の蔵元25蔵が参加する初の統一ミニボトル&ラベル企画「秋酒揃 2020 ~AUTUMN SAKE COLLECTION~」期間・本数限定で発売! / PR TIMES
[New product]
Mitsutake brewery in Ooita since 1688 first challenge to craft gin “Akatorii”赤鳥居 / Mitsutake Co., Ltd.
Ref. 創業1688年の光武酒造場が初めて挑戦したクラフトジン。/ PR TIMES
[New product]
Mysterious stainless cup: shitatari produced by HAREBI / Nakagawa Precision Machinery Works Co., Ltd.
Ref. shitatari:PRODUCED BY HAREBI 【何とも不思議なステンレス金属削り出し酒器】/ PR TIMES