ikki Weekly Update 24th-30th August 2020
In this ikki weekly news, ikki deliver what is happening in Japan in Sake industry for your knowledge as well as hints for your business.
Please note that if you would like to see photos or full contents, kindly visit the original site from the link below the news topic and use google translate to see the full news.
The updated news in 24th – 30th August 2020 is below;
Online Sake brewery tour with travel agency / Imayo Tsukasa
Ref. 新しい生活様式に対応した酒蔵見学を。「酒蔵見学 オンライン下見ツアー」を旅行代理店向けに開始 / PR TIMES
Online seminar about Sake rice “Think about the future of Yamada Nishiki” on 9/15 / Kobe Newspaper
Ref. 持続可能な日本酒づくりへ 9月にオンラインセミナー/ 神戸新聞
[New Shop]
New style restaurant enjoy “Ahijo Oden” with Sake and wine [ODD] in Osaka / Escrit
Ref. エスクリ、ワインと日本酒で楽しむ新感覚「アヒージョODEN」『ODD(オッド)』を8月26日、大阪梅田にオープン / PR TIMES
[New Product]
Sake for ice cream “Tsumi”(罪) released / Liquor Innovation
Ref. かけるだけで罪な味 背徳感を煽る 真夜中のアイスクリーム専用のお酒「罪-TSUMI-」/ PR TIMES
“WARISPIRITS TUMUGI” awarded Double Gold in International Spirits Challenge / Sanwa Shurui Co., Ltd.