ikki Weekly Update 20th-26th July 2020


ikki Weekly Update 20th-26th July 2020

In this ikki weekly news, ikki deliver what is happening in Japan in Sake industry for your knowledge as well as hints for your business.

Please note that if you would like to see photos or full contents, kindly visit the original site from the link below the news topic and use google translate to see the full news.


The updated news in 20th-26th July 2020 is below;



Distilled alcohol with silkworm guano “SANSHA – Mulberry and Silkworm droppings” released / ANTCICADA

Ref. 昆虫食の「ANTCICADA」が、蚕沙(カイコの糞)を原料に使用した蒸留酒を「mitosaya薬草園蒸留所」と共同開発。7月26日にリリース、販売開始します。


[New Product]

“Inishie no Bishu” limitedly selected aged Sake for summer released / Takumi Sousei

Ref. 匠創生 長期熟成古酒『古昔の美酒』 清涼感あふれる古酒を夏に向けて厳選 数量限定で7/21販売開始


[New Product]

New Sake brand for World market “Gyokusou” launched / EMZ

Ref. 世界市場視野に究極の酒ブランド「玉箒(GYOKUSO)」の開始



“Sake Facial mask” with water, Junmai Sake and beauty essense from Hokkaido released / ICOR

Ref. 湧き水や純米酒、北海道産の美容成分をたっぷり配合自然由来成分98%の贅沢な一枚「Sakeフェイシャルマスク」7/22(水)より発売



Japanese Sake × AI : Android app of Sake recommend app “SAKEAI” released / SAKEAI

Ref. 【日本酒×AI】日本酒開拓をサポートする「Sakeai(サケアイ)」がAndroidアプリをリリース



Reservation opens for Tour package with Tuna from Misaki and local Jizake / Ichi no Yu Hakone

Ref. 【箱根一の湯 創業390年祭り第23弾】「皿だ!マグロだ!いや、皿がマグロだ!プラン」の予約受付開始!


[New Product]

Sakura blooms in Summer : Sakura Choko / caramo

Ref. ★★夏にサクラ咲く!? ★★ 感動もの開花の秘密は“冷酒” / 藤巻百貨店の目利きバイヤーをも虜にした「桜の平盃」登場!