ikki Weekly Update 10th-16th August 2020
In this ikki weekly news, ikki deliver what is happening in Japan in Sake industry for your knowledge as well as hints for your business.
Please note that if you would like to see photos or full contents, kindly visit the original site from the link below the news topic and use google translate to see the full news.
The updated news in 10th – 16th August 2020 is below;
[New Product]
New beverage for Middle drink brand for non-drinker “THE MID” released / YOILABO
Ref. 令和発ノンアルブランドYOILABOが一般家庭向けミドルドリンク「THE MID」の予約販売を開始 / PR TIMES
TOKYO SAKE FESTIVAL 2020 during summer vacation and Japanese famous enka singer Takashi Hosokawa nominated as event promotion ambassador / Nippon Columbia
Ref. 細川たかしが日本酒イベント「TOKYO SAKE FESTIVAL 2020」の広報大使/アンバサダーを務め、愛弟子・杜このみとミニコンサート披露 / PR TIMES
[New product]
Japanese Sake cocktail “adult cream soda” served in SAKE bar / Globridge
Ref. “おとなの日本酒クリームソーダ”がレトロ可愛い!『日本酒バル 蔵のや』から夏限定のデザートカクテル誕生 / PR TIMES
Understand all about SHOCHU, Shochu Dictionary is released / Seibundo Shinkosha
Ref.《これを読めば焼酎のツウになる!》焼酎にまるわる濃ゆーぃ話が満載。焼酎の奥深さがわかる、焼酎好きのための一冊。/ PR TIMES
Convention center Good Nature Station at Kyoto and Craft Beer Tap server Tap Marche collaborated and hold an event by the end of August / Bio Style
Ref. GOOD NATURE STATION × キリンビール「Tap Marché(タップ・マルシェ)」と地元・京都のフードが味わえるイベントを開催いたします / PR TIMES