Flow and tips of Sake tasting
Do you think there are too much to know about Sake? Let’s keep it simple. The best way to understand is to taste it. Here are some tips!
After a few tastings, you will be able to better follow the tasting process. Here is the tasting flow and the tips to keep in mind:
1. Pour Sake into a glass
I recommend you serve sake at a room temperature. Sake is served at a room temperature even at tasting sessions for professionals. If it is too cold, Sake fails to vapor its original aroma. In case Sake is stored cold, bring it back to a room temperature to taste. No rush! Gently pour your sake into your glass.
2. Observe colors and viscosity
Check colours and tones
Sake is not always crystal clear. Non-filtered Sake is yellowish, like yellow leaves in autumn. Aged Sake tends to have amber colours.
Check viscosity
When you lean your glass and check the speed of liquid coming down on the surface of the glass, we can tell how viscose it is. Sake with high viscosity tends to have a soft smooth taste.
3. Observe aroma
Check Strength of the aroma
By measuring the distance of nose and the glass, check the strength of aroma from the Sake
Analysis of the aroma
Analyse the elements of the aroma within the Sake
E.g. Fruit, flower,Plants (leaf, wood, root etc.), mushroom, spice, nuts, rice, dairy, earth, mineral, roasted, fauty smell
4. Taste on your palate
Here is a possible check list for the palate tasting
・Strength of a first impression
・Intensity of the colour
・Level of maturation
・Impression of taste
・Length of Finish
・Modori-ka (Returning aroma)
・Categorisation into 4 types
Following these steps, you will better observe the Sake and enjoy it more.
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