
Brewery List of Tottori

Click the sake brewery name to see details.

Inata Honten Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Inata Honten Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 株式会社稲田本店
Address 325-16 Yomi-cho Yonago-shi Tottori 683-0851
WebSite http://www.inata.co.jp/
TEL 0859-29-1108
FAX 0859-29-1112
Email info@inata.co.jp
Product Japanese Sake / Shochu / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Inatahime
Representative brand (JA) 稲田姫
Umetsu Shuzo Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Umetsu Shuzo Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 梅津酒造有限会社
Address 1350 Oodani Hokuei-cho Touhaku-gun Tottori 689-2223
WebSite http://umetsu-sake.jp/
TEL 0858-37-2008
FAX 0858-37-2023
Email sake@umetsu-sake.jp
Product Japanese Sake / Shochu / Plum Wine
Representative brand (EN) Furei
Representative brand (JA) 冨玲
Ehara Shuzo Honten Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Ehara Shuzo Honten Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 株式会社江原酒造本店
Address 1400 Yabase Kotoura-cho Touhaku-gun Tottori 689-2301
WebSite http://ebara-shuzo.com/
TEL 0858-52-2203
FAX 0858-52-2204
Email ebara@apionet.or.jp
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Hakuyocho
Representative brand (JA) 伯陽長
Ooiwa Shuzo Honten Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Ooiwa Shuzo Honten Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 有限会社大岩酒造本店
Address 1872 Ebi Koufu-cho Hino-gun Tottori 689-4401
WebSite http://www.syuhou-iwaizumi.jp/
TEL 0859-75-2404
FAX 0859-75-3535
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Shuho Iwaizumi
Representative brand (JA) 秀峰岩泉
Oota Shuzojo Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Oota Shuzojo Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 有限会社太田酒造場
Address 1223-2 Wakasa Wakasa-cho Yazu-gun Tottori 680-0701
WebSite http://www.ben-ten.sakura.ne.jp/
TEL 0858-82-0611
FAX 0858-82-0612
Email bentenmu@lime.ocn.ne.jp
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Bentenmusume
Representative brand (JA) 弁天娘
Otani Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Otani Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 大谷酒造株式会社
Address 368 Urayasu Kotoura-cho Touhaku-gun Tottori 689-2352
WebSite http://www.takaisami.co.jp/
TEL 0858-53-0111
FAX 0858-53-0112
Product Japanese Sake / Shochu / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Takaisami
Representative brand (JA) 鷹勇
Kimitsukasa Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Kimitsukasa Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 君司酒造株式会社
Address 153-2 Akisato Tottori-shi Tottori 680-0902
TEL 0857-23-3471
FAX 0857-22-3477
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Kimitsukasa
Representative brand (JA) 君司
Kumezakura Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Kumezakura Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 久米桜酒造有限会社
Address 1740-50 Maruyama Houki-cho Nishihaku-gun Tottori 689-4108
WebSite http://g-beer.jp/kumezakura/
TEL 0859-68-6555
FAX 0859-68-6556
Email kumesake@jasmine.ocn.ne.jp
Product Japanese Sake / Plum Wine
Representative brand (EN) Kumezakura
Representative brand (JA) 久米桜
Gensui Shuzou Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Gensui Shuzou Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 元帥酒造株式会社
Address 2-31 Dakyoji-cho Kurayoshi-shi Tottori 682-0816
WebSite http://www.gensui.jp/
TEL 0858-22-5020
FAX 0858-22-5021
Email info@gensui.jp
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Gensui
Representative brand (JA) 元帥
Suwa Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Suwa Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 諏訪酒造株式会社
Address 451 Chizu Chizu-cho Yazu-gun Tottori 689-1402
WebSite http://suwaizumi.jp/
TEL 0858-75-0618
FAX 0858-75-3082
Email info@suwaizumi.jp
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Suwaizumi
Representative brand (JA) 諏訪泉
Takata Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Takata Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 高田酒造株式会社
Address 2633 Nishinakamachi Kurayoshi-shi Tottori 682-0825
WebSite https://shikun.jp/
TEL 0858-23-1511
FAX 0858-23-1512
Email contact@shikun.jp
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Shikun
Representative brand (JA) 此君
Takada Shuzojo Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Takada Shuzojo Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 有限会社高田酒造場
Address 1694 Uradomi Iwami-cho Iwami-gun Tottori 681-0003
TEL 0857-72-0271
FAX 0857-72-0271
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Zuisen
Representative brand (JA) 瑞泉
Chiyomuzubi Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Chiyomuzubi Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 千代むすび酒造株式会社
Address 131 Taishomachi Sakaiminato-shi Tottori 684-0004
WebSite http://www.chiyomusubi.co.jp/
TEL 0859-42-3191
FAX 0859-42-3515
Email oroshibu@sea.chukai.ne.jp
Product Japanese Sake / Shochu / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Chiyomusubi
Representative brand (JA) 千代むすび
Nakai Syuzou Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Nakai Syuzou Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 中井酒造株式会社
Address 555 Nakagawara Kurayoshi-shi Tottori 682-0856
WebSite http://www.yasionet.jp/
TEL 0858-28-0821
FAX 0858-28-0898
Email yasio@apionet.or.jp
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Jo
Representative brand (JA)
Nakagawa Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Nakagawa Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 中川酒造株式会社
Address 2-305 Tachikawa-cho Tottori-shi Tottori 680-0061
WebSite http://www.gohriki.com/
TEL 0857-24-9330
FAX 0857-26-3806
Email gohriki@mocha.ocn.ne.jp
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Inabazuru
Representative brand (JA) いなば鶴
Nishimoto Shuzojo Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Nishimoto Shuzojo Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 有限会社西本酒造場
Address 3960 Aoya Aoya-cho Tottori-shi Tottori 689-0501
TEL 0857-85-0917
FAX 0857-85-0797
Email emin@ncn-t.net
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Emi
Representative brand (JA)
Fukura Syuzo Inc.
Name (EN) Fukura Syuzo Inc.
Name (JA) 福羅酒造株式会社
Address 448 Matsuzaki Yurihama-cho Touhaku-gun Tottori 689-0711
WebSite http://www.fukura-syuzou.com/
TEL 0858-32-2121
FAX 0858-32-2122
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Sanin Togo
Representative brand (JA) 山陰東郷
Fujii Shuzo Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Fujii Shuzo Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 藤井酒造合資会社
Address 870-1 Misasa Misasa-cho Touhaku-gun Tottori 682-0123
WebSite http://www.fujii-sake.co.jp/
TEL 0858-43-0856
FAX 0858-43-0856
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Misasamasamune
Representative brand (JA) 三朝正宗
Yamane Shuzojo Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Yamane Shuzojo Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 有限会社山根酒造場
Address 249 Ootsubo Aoya-cho Tottori-shi Tottori 689-0518
WebSite http://www.hiokizakura.jp/
TEL 0857-85-0730
FAX 0857-85-0465
Email yamane-s@hiokizakura.jp
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Hiokizakura
Representative brand (JA) 日置桜