
Brewery List of Saitama

Click the sake brewery name to see details.

Asahara Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Asahara Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 麻原酒造株式会社
Address 94 Morohongo Moroyamamachi Iruma-gun Saitama 350-0451
WebSite http://www.musashino-asahara.jp/
TEL 049-298-6010
FAX 049-298-6012
Email info@musashino-asahara.jp
Product Japanese Sake / Shochu / Liqueur / Wine
Representative brand (EN) Kawagoejo
Representative brand (JA) Kawagoejo
Arimanishiki Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Arimanishiki Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 有馬錦酒造株式会社
Address 446 Hanno Hanno-shi Saitama 357-0063
TEL 042-972-2835
FAX 042-972-0094
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Arimanishiki
Representative brand (JA) 有馬錦
Igarashi Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Igarashi Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 五十嵐酒造株式会社
Address 667-1 Kawadera Hanno-shi Saitama 357-0044
WebSite http://www.snw.co.jp/~iga_s/
TEL 042-973-7703
FAX 042-974-0394
Email shop@tenranzan.jp
Product Japanese Sake / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Tenranzan
Representative brand (JA) 天覧山
Ishii Shuzo Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Ishii Shuzo Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 石井酒造株式会社
Address 2-6-11 Minami Satte-shi Saitama 340-0156
WebSite http://www.ishii-syuzo.jp/
TEL 0480-42-1120
FAX 0480-43-4300
Email ishii_syuzou@yahoo.co.jp
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Hatsumidori
Representative brand (JA) 初緑
Uchiki Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Uchiki Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 内木酒造株式会社
Address 6-13-15 Nishibori Sakuraku Saitama-shi Saitama 338-0832
WebSite http://uchiki-s.wixsite.com/uchikisake
TEL 048-862-5734
FAX 048-862-5735
Email uchiki-s@zav.att.ne.jp
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Asahimasamune
Representative brand (JA) 旭正宗
Otaki Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Otaki Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 大瀧酒造株式会社
Address 663 Hizako Minumaku Saitama-shi Saitama 337-0021
WebSite http://otakisake.com/
TEL 048-683-3006
FAX 048-683-3016
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Kokonoe Zakura
Representative brand (JA) 九重桜
Kamaya Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Kamaya Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 株式会社釜屋
Address 1162 Kisai Kazo-shi Saitama 347-0105
WebSite http://rikishi.co.jp/
TEL 0480-73-1234
FAX 0480-73-3021
Email http://rikishi.co.jp/contact/
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Kamaya Shinpachi
Representative brand (JA) 釜屋新八
Kawabata Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Kawabata Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 川端酒造株式会社
Address 2-9-8 Sama Gyoda-shi Saitama 361-0032
WebSite http://www.kawabatashuzou.co.jp/
TEL 048-554-3217
FAX 048-554-3218
Email info@kawabatashuzou.co.jp
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Masukawa
Representative brand (JA) 桝川
Kanbai Syuzou Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Kanbai Syuzou Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 寒梅酒造株式会社
Address 2-9-27 Kukichuo Kuki-shi Saitama 346-0003
WebSite http://www.kanbai.co.jp/
TEL 0480-21-2301
FAX 0480-23-2078
Email info@kanbai.co.jp
Product Japanese Sake / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Kanbai
Representative brand (JA) 寒梅
Kitanishi Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Kitanishi Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 北西酒造株式会社
Address 2-5-5 Kamicho Ageo-shi Saitama 362-0037
WebSite https://www.kitanishishuzo.co.jp/
TEL 048-771-0011
FAX 048-773-8442
Product Japanese Sake / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Bunraku
Representative brand (JA) 文楽
King Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) King Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) キング醸造株式会社 羽生工場
Address 4-1-11 Nishi Hanyu-shi Saitama 348-0054
WebSite http://www.hinode-mirin.co.jp/
TEL 048-560-5855
FAX 048-560-5856
Product Japanese Sake / Shochu / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Enmankazoku Onikoroshi
Representative brand (JA) 円満家族鬼ころし
Koedo Kagamiyama Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Koedo Kagamiyama Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 小江戸鏡山酒造株式会社
Address 10-13 Nakacho Kawagoe-shi Saitama 350-0065
WebSite http://www.kagamiyama.jp/
TEL 049-224-7780
Email http://www.kagamiyama.jp/form/index.html
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Kagamiyama
Representative brand (JA) 鏡山
Koyama Honke Shuzo Co.,Ltd.
Name (EN) Koyama Honke Shuzo Co.,Ltd.
Name (JA) 株式会社小山本家酒造
Address 1798 Sashiougi Nishiku Saitama-shi Saitama 331-0047
WebSite http://www.koyamahonke.co.jp/
TEL 048-623-0013
Email http://www.koyamahonke.co.jp/recruit/recruit.html
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Miyakodaka
Representative brand (JA) 都鷹
Gonda Shuzo Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Gonda Shuzo Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 権田酒造株式会社
Address 1491 Mikajiri Kumagaya-shi Saitama 360-0843
WebSite http://www.ksky.ne.jp/~gonda/
TEL 048-532-3611
FAX 048-532-7889
Email http://www.gondasyuzou.com/contact/
Product Japanese Sake / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Kiyotaki
Representative brand (JA) 清太喜
Sato Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Sato Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 有限会社佐藤酒造店
Address 141-1 Tsukune Ogosemachi Iruma-gun Saitama 350-0405
WebSite http://www.satoshuzou.co.jp/
TEL 049-292-2058
FAX 049-292-2034
Email http://www.satoshuzou.co.jp/cont.html
Product Japanese Sake / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Ogose Bairin
Representative brand (JA) 越生梅林
Shimizu Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Shimizu Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 清水酒造株式会社
Address 1006 Tomuro Kazo-shi Saitama 347-0116
TEL 0480-73-1311
FAX 0480-73-1312
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Kikkou Hanabishi
Representative brand (JA) 亀甲花菱
Shinkame Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Shinkame Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 神亀酒造株式会社
Address 3-74 Magome Hasuda-shi Saitama 349-0114
WebSite http://shinkame.co.jp/
TEL 048-768-0115
FAX 048-768-6182
Email http://shinkame.co.jp/contact/
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Shinkame
Representative brand (JA) 神亀
Suzuki Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Suzuki Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 鈴木酒造株式会社
Address 4-12-29 Honcho Iwatsukiku Saitama-shi Saitama 339-0057
WebSite http://www.sakekura.net/
TEL 048-756-0067
Email https://sakekura.net/contact
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Otemon
Representative brand (JA) 大手門
Seiun Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Seiun Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 晴雲酒造株式会社
Address 178-2 Otsuka Ogawamachi Hiki-gun Saitama 355-0328
WebSite http://www.kumagaya.or.jp/~seiun/
TEL 0493-72-0055
FAX 0493-72-0311
Email seiun@po.kumagaya.or.jp
Product Japanese Sake / Shochu
Representative brand (EN) Seiun
Representative brand (JA) 晴雲
Seiryu Shuzo Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Seiryu Shuzo Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 清龍酒造株式会社
Address 659-3 Uruido Hasuda-shi Saitama 349-0133
WebSite http://www.seiryu-syuzou.co.jp/
TEL 048-768-2025
FAX 048-768-4585
Email seiun@po.kumagaya.or.jp
Product Japanese Sake / Shochu / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Seiryu
Representative brand (JA) 清龍
Sekiguchi Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Sekiguchi Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 関口酒造株式会社
Address 2-1-16 Seiji Sugitomachi Kitakatsushika-gun Saitama 345-0025
WebSite 0480-32-0005
TEL 0480-32-5150
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Housen
Representative brand (JA) 豊泉
Taise Chichibu Kikusui Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Taise Chichibu Kikusui Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 株式会社タイセー秩父菊水酒造所
Address 3786-1 Shimoyoshida Chichibu-shi Saitama 369-1503
WebSite http://www.chichibu-kikusui.com/index.html
TEL 0494-77-2010
FAX 0494-77-2012
Email http://www.chichibu-kikusui.com/tmmail/tmmail.cgi
Product Japanese Sake / Shochu / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Chichibu Kojiro
Representative brand (JA) 秩父小次郎
Takizawa Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Takizawa Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 滝澤酒造株式会社
Address 9-20 Tadokorocho Fukaya-shi Saitama 366-0826
WebSite http://kikuizumi.jp/frameset1.html
TEL 048-571-0267
FAX 048-571-2248
Email kikuizumi@nifty.com
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Kikuizumi
Representative brand (JA) 菊泉
Toa Shuzo Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Toa Shuzo Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 株式会社東亜酒造
Address 4-1-11 Nishi Hanyu-shi Saitama 348-0054
WebSite http://www.toashuzo.com/
TEL 048-561-3311
FAX 048-561-8923
Email info@toashuzo.com
Product Japanese Sake / Shochu / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Junmai Haregiku
Representative brand (JA) 純米ハレギク
Nagasawa Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Nagasawa Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 長澤酒造株式会社
Address 335 Kitahirasawa Hidaka-shi Saitama 350-1242
WebSite http://nagasawasyuzou.com/
TEL 042-989-0007
FAX 042-989-0612
Email http://nagasawasyuzou.com/contact/
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Kimigahata
Representative brand (JA) 君が旗
Nanyo Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Nanyo Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 南陽醸造株式会社
Address 5951 Kamishingo Hanyu-shi Saitama 348-0041
WebSite http://www.nanyo-jozo.com/
TEL 048-561-0178
FAX 048-563-1715
Email ryosaku@nanyo-jozo.com
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Nanyo
Representative brand (JA) 南陽
Buko Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Buko Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 武甲酒造株式会社
Address 21-27 Miyakawacho Chichibu-shi Saitama 368-0046
WebSite http://www.bukou.co.jp/
TEL 0494-22-0046
FAX 0494-22-2831
Email http://www.bukou.co.jp/toiawase/index.htm
Product Japanese Sake / Shochu / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Bukomasamune
Representative brand (JA) 武甲正宗
Fujisaki Sobe Shoten Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Fujisaki Sobe Shoten Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 株式会社藤﨑摠兵衛商店
Address 1158 Nagatoro Nagatoromachi Chichibu-gun Saitama 369-1305
WebSite http://www.nagatorogura.co.jp
TEL 0494-69-0001
Email tajima@nagatorogura.co.jp
Product Japanese Sake / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Nagatoro
Representative brand (JA) 長瀞
Fujihashi Tohsaburo Shoten Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Fujihashi Tohsaburo Shoten Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 有限会社藤橋藤三郎商店
Address 4-10 Nakacho Fukaya-shi Saitama 366-0822
WebSite http://fujihashi.fcciweb.jp/
TEL 048-571-0136
FAX 048-571-0136
Email fujihashi@videw.com
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Azumashiragiku
Representative brand (JA) 東白菊
Matsuoka Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Matsuoka Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 松岡醸造株式会社
Address 7-2 Shimofurutera Ogawamachi Hiki-gun Saitama 355-0326
WebSite http://www.mikadomatsu.com/
TEL 0493-72-1234
FAX 0493-74-1010
Email info@mikadomatsu.com
Product Japanese Sake / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Shacho no Sake
Representative brand (JA) 社長の酒
Maruyama Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Maruyama Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 丸山酒造株式会社
Address 1323 Yokose Fukaya-shi Saitama 366-0009
WebSite http://www.maruyamasz.com/
TEL 048-587-2144
FAX 048-587-2988
Email info@maruyamasz.com
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Orihoshi
Representative brand (JA) 織星
Musashitsuru Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Musashitsuru Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 武蔵鶴酒造株式会社
Address 243 Otsuka Ogawamachi Hiki-gun Saitama 355-0328
WebSite http://www.musashitsuru.co.jp/
TEL 0493-72-1634
FAX 0493-74-1872
Email http://www.musashitsuru.co.jp/contact/index.html
Product Japanese Sake / Plum wine
Representative brand (EN) Musashitsuru
Representative brand (JA) 武蔵鶴
Yao Honten Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Yao Honten Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 株式会社矢尾本店
Address 1432 Bessho Chichibu-shi Saitama 368-0054
WebSite http://chichibunishiki.com/
TEL 0494-22-8787
FAX 0494-22-8833
Email honten@yao.co.jp
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Chichibunishiki
Representative brand (JA) 秩父錦
Yokozeki Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Yokozeki Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 株式会社横関酒造
Address 3214-1 Inomata Misatocho Kodama-gun Saitama 367-0115
WebSite http://park3.wakwak.com/~yokozeki/
TEL 0495-76-1051
FAX 0495-76-3998
Email yokozeki@bc.wakwak.com
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Tenjin
Representative brand (JA) 天仁
Yokota Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Yokota Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 横田酒造株式会社
Address 2-29-3 Sakuracho Gyoda-shi Saitama 361-0022
WebSite https://yokota-shuzou.co.jp/
TEL 048-556-6111
FAX 048-553-3530
Email http://yokota-shuzou.co.jp/cotanct/
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Ukishiro
Representative brand (JA) 浮城