
Brewery List of Osaka

Click the sake brewery name to see details.

Akishika Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Akishika Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 秋鹿酒造有限会社
Address 1007 Kuragaki Nose-cho Toyono-gun Osaka 563-0113
TEL 072-737-0013
FAX 072-737-0840
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Akishika
Representative brand (JA) 秋鹿
Isaka Shuzojo Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Isaka Shuzojo Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 井坂酒造場
Address 117 Inaba-cho Kishiwada-shi Osaka 596-0103
TEL 072-479-0074
FAX 072-479-2151
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Miwafuku
Representative brand (JA) 三輪福
Gancho Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Gancho Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 株式会社元朝
Address 22-30 Nanmatsu-cho Kishiwada-shi Osaka 596-0052
TEL 072-438-1518
FAX 072-422-8528
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Gancho
Representative brand (JA) 元朝
Kitashoji Shuzoten Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Kitashoji Shuzoten Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 有限会社北庄司酒造店
Address 3173 Hineno Sano-shi Osaka 598-0021
WebSite http://www.kitashouji.jp/
TEL 072-468-0850
FAX 072-467-2455
Email info@kitashouji.jp
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Syo no Sato
Representative brand (JA) 荘の郷
Kiyotsuru Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Kiyotsuru Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 清鶴酒造株式会社
Address 6-5-3 Tonda-cho Takatsuki-shi Osaka 569-0814
WebSite http://www.kiyotsuru.jp/
TEL 072-696-0014
FAX 072-696-0014
Email hello@kiyotsuru.jp
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Kiyotsuru
Representative brand (JA) 清鶴
Gosyun Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Gosyun Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 呉春株式会社
Address 1-2-2 Ayaha Ikeda-shi Osaka 563-0051
TEL 072-751-2023
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Gosyun
Representative brand (JA) 呉春
Kotobuki Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Kotobuki Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 寿酒造株式会社
Address 3-26-12 Tonda-cho Takatsuki-shi Osaka 569-0814
WebSite http://www.kuninocho.jp/
TEL 072-696-0003
FAX 072-693-1533
Product Japanese Sake / Shochu / Beer
Representative brand (EN) Kuninocho
Representative brand (JA) 國乃長
Saijo Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Saijo Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 西條合資会社
Address 12-18 Nagano-cho Kawachinagano-shi Osaka 586-0014
WebSite http://www.amanosake.com/
TEL 0721-55-1101
FAX 0721-56-1101
Email order@amanosake.com
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Amanosake
Representative brand (JA) 天野酒
Sakai Meijo Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Sakai Meijo Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 有限会社さかい銘醸
Address 1-2-1-15 Hamaderaminami-cho Nishi-ku Sakai-shi Osaka 592-8344
TEL 072-266-9933
FAX 072-266-9933
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Yumeshu
Representative brand (JA) 夢衆
Daimon Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Daimon Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 大門酒造株式会社
Address 3-12-1 Moriminami Katano-shi Osaka 576-0031
WebSite http://www.sakahan.com/
TEL 072-891-0353
FAX 072-891-0354
Email info@daimonbrewery.com
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) DAIMON
Representative brand (JA) DAIMON
Takashima Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Takashima Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 高島酒造株式会社
Address 2-8-3 Sawaraginishi Ibaraki-shi Osaka 567-0868
TEL 072-632-2226
FAX 072-633-9093
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Juhai
Representative brand (JA) 寿盃
Choryo Shuzo Co., Ltd. Yao Brewery
Name (EN) Choryo Shuzo Co., Ltd. Yao Brewery
Name (JA) 長龍酒造株式会社 八尾蔵
Address 1-1-29 Yasunaka-cho Yao-shi Osaka 581-0085
WebSite http://www.choryo.jp/
TEL 072-923-6866
Product Japanese Sake / Shochu / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Choryo
Representative brand (JA) 長龍
Nakao Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Nakao Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 中尾酒造株式会社
Address 5-32-12 Shukunosho Ibaraki-shi Osaka 567-0051
TEL 072-643-2226
FAX 072-643-2518
Email nakaosyuzou@gmail.com
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Bongu
Representative brand (JA) 凡愚
Naniwa Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Naniwa Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 浪花酒造有限会社
Address 3-13-6 Ozaki-cho Hannan-shi Osaka 599-0201
WebSite http://www.naniwamasamune.com/
TEL 072-472-0032
FAX 072-472-5000
Email toiawase@naiwamasamune.com
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Sakamatsu
Representative brand (JA) さか松
Fujimoto Masakazu Suzojo Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Fujimoto Masakazu Suzojo Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 藤本雅一酒造醸
Address 2-1-10 Fujidera Fujidera-shi Osaka 583-0024
WebSite http://www.fujimotosyuzou.com/
TEL 072-955-0018
FAX 072-955-0018
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Shokazuru
Representative brand (JA) 松花鶴
Yamano Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Yamano Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 山野酒造株式会社
Address 7-11-2 Kisabe Katano-shi Osaka 576-0052
WebSite http://www.katanosakura.com/
TEL 072-891-1046
FAX 072-891-1846
Email hannari@katanosakura.com
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Katanozakura
Representative brand (JA) 片野桜
Yoshida Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Yoshida Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 吉田酒造株式会社
Address 7-10 Sakaehonmachi Ikeda-shi Osaka 563-0058
WebSite http://www.midori-1.jp/
TEL 072-751-2063
FAX 072-753-8881
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Midoriichi
Representative brand (JA) 緑一