SAKE NEWS from JAPAN – ikki Weekly Update 1st – 7th February 2021


SAKE NEWS from JAPAN – ikki Weekly Update 1st – 7th February 2021



In this ikki weekly news, ikki deliver what is happening in Japan in Sake industry for your knowledge as well as hints for your business.

Please note that if you would like to see photos or full contents, kindly visit the original site from the link below the news topic and use google translate to see the full news.


The updated news in 1st – 7th February 2021 is below;



Vote for your favorite Otsumai. Tokyo FM and  Japan Sake and Shochu Maker’s Association will hold Otsumami General Election / Tokyo FM

Ref.全国38局のラジオパーソナリティが厳選してオススメする「日本酒のおつまみ総選挙」!/ PR TIMES




[New Distillery]

World 1st Distillery using recycle ingredients to produce alcohol. Tokyo River side Distillery launched  / Ethical Spirits

Ref.世界初の再生型蒸留所『東京リバーサイド蒸溜所』が稼働開始!製造した限定クラフトジンを毎月お届けする月額会員『エシカル・スピリッツ・メイト』を募集/PR TIMES





Collaboration between Sake rice and Curry of the year by University of Curry. Sake rice crane game installed in Game center to get Gohyakumangoku to enjoy with curry! / Research Institute of Curry

Ref.【「酒米キャッチャー」×カレー界の祭典「カレー・オブ・ザ・イヤー」受賞商品が大反響!】 カレーオブザイヤー受賞商品と連動企画の酒米キャッチャー1/25スタート!酒米で至高カレーが合うと人気です!/PR TIMES




Support Sake breweries in Niigata with Online “Niigata Sake no Jin” / Harasho

Ref.オンライン「にいがた酒の陣」で困窮する新潟の酒蔵を販売支援/ PR TIMES