U.S. National Sake Appraisal ~Prize Winning Sake 2020~ / Japanese Sake Competition from Hawaii
US National Sake Appraisal
U.S. National Sake Appraisal is fist Sake competition which takes place out of Japan since 2011. Their purpose of this competition is as below;
(1) recognize breweries that produce sakes of exceptional quality
(2) elevate public awareness outside Japan through tasting events featuring competition-level sakes in peak condition
Grand prix Sake 2020
In 2020, 502 Sake submitted to the competition from 199 breweries, and finally 133 Sake received gold award and 120 received silver award.
The categories in this competition is Daiginjo A(polishing ratio 40% or less), Daiginjo B(polishing ratio 50% or less), Ginjo and Junmai. In addition, there is Kimoto/Yamahai category which can be applied by the
The below shows the result of grand prix and emerald award:
Grand Prix
Grand prix is selected in each categories. They obtained the highest score in the judgement. The second highest entries received Second grand prix.
Daiginjo A
- “Kiwamihijiri” Daiginjo 大吟醸 極聖 / Miyashita Shuzo (Okayama Prefecture) 宮下酒造株式会社(岡山県)
Daiginjo B
- Momokawa “Daiginjo” 桃川 大吟醸 / Momokawa (Aomori Prefecture) 桃川株式会社(青森県)
- Tokusen Kunizakari “Handago Kobo 1801 Go” Junmai Ginjo 特撰國盛 純米吟醸 半田郷 酵母1801号 / Nakano Shuzo (Aichi Prefecture) 中埜酒造株式会社(愛知県)
- Born “Junmai 55” 梵・純米55 / Katoukichibee Shouten (Fukui Prefecture) 合資会社 加藤吉平商店(福井県)
Second Grand Prix
Daiginjo A
- Zaku “Yozan Ittekisui” 作 陽山一滴水 / Shimizu Seizaburo Shoten (Mie Prefecture) 清水清三郎商店株式会社(三重県)
- Taiten Shiragiku “Daiginjo Tobindori Shizukusake” 大典白菊 大吟醸 斗瓶採り しずく酒 / Shiragiku Shuzo (Okayama Prefecture) 白菊酒造株式会社(岡山県)
Daiginjo B
- Hanaharu “Junmai Daiginjoshu” 花春 純米大吟醸酒 / Hanaharu Shuzo (Fukushima Prefecture) 花春酒造株式会社(福島県)
- Dewazakura “Junmai Daiginjo Genshu” 出羽桜 純米大吟醸 原酒 / Dewazakura Shuzo (Yamagata Prefecture) 出羽桜酒造株式会社(山形県)
- Shiramayumi “Ginjo Yamadanishiki” 白真弓 吟醸 山田錦 / Kaba Shuzojo (Gifu Prefecture) 有限会社 蒲酒造場(岐阜県)
- Taichu 65 “Iikaori” 台中六十五芳 / Munemasa Shuzo (Saga Prefecture) 宗政酒造株式会社(佐賀県)
- Hatsukame “Tokubetsu Junmai” 初亀 特別純米 / Hatsukame Jozo (Shizuoka Prefecture) 初亀醸造株式会社(静岡県)
- Imanishiki “Tokubetsu Junmaishu” 今錦 特別純米酒 / Yonezawa Shuzo (Nagano Prefecture) 米澤酒造株式会社(長野県)
Kimoto/Yamahai Special Award
Daiginjo A
- Misatosekka “Junmai Daiginjo” 美郷雪華 純米大吟醸 / Takahashi Shuzoten (Akita Prefecture) 株式会社 高橋酒造店(秋田県)
Daiginjo B
- Tedorigawa “Yamahai Daiginjo” 手取川 山廃大吟醸 / Yoshida Shuzoten (Ishikawa Prefecture) 株式会社 吉田酒造店(石川県)
- Taichu 65 “Yamahai” 台中六十五山廃 / Munemasa Shuzo (Saga Prefecture) 宗政酒造株式会社(佐賀県)
- Yuki no Bosha “Yamahai Junmai” 雪の茅舎 山廃純米 / Saiya Shuzoten (Akita Prefecture) 株式会社 斎弥酒造店(秋田県)
Emerald award*
Goto Shuzoten Yamagata Prefecture / 合資会社 後藤酒造店 山形県
*Emerald award is awarded to the brewery who have awarded Gold and Silver in the past and has the most point when evaluate.
(Ref. U.S. National Sake Appraisal)