U.S. National Sake Appraisal ~Prize Winning Sake 2019~ / Japanese Sake Competition from Hawaii
US National Sake Appraisal
U.S. National Sake Appraisal is fist Sake competition which takes place out of Japan since 2011. Their purpose of this competition is as below;
(1) recognize breweries that produce sakes of exceptional quality
(2) elevate public awareness outside Japan through tasting events featuring competition-level sakes in peak condition
Grand prix Sake 2019
In 2019, 512 Sake submitted to the competition from 2014 breweries, and finally 151 Sake received gold award and 124 received silver award.
The categories in this competition is Daiginjo A(polishing ratio 40% or less), Daiginjo B(polishing ratio 50% or less), Ginjo and Junmai.
The below shows the result of grand prix and emerald award:
Grand Prix
Daiginjo A
Momokawa “Daiginjo Yamadanishiki” /大吟醸 山田錦 桃川
Momokawa (Aomori Prefecture) / 桃川株式会社(青森県)
Daiginjo B
Zaku “Miyabi no Tomo Nakadori” /作 雅乃智中取り
Shimizu Seizaburo Shoten (Mie Prefecture) /清水清三郎商店株式会社(三重県)
Zaku “Miyabi no Tomo” /作 雅乃智
Shimizu Seizaburo Shoten (Mie Prefecture) /清水清三郎商店株式会社(三重県)
“Sefuriyusui” /背振湧水
Kiyama Shoten (Saga Prefecture) /合資会社 基山商店(佐賀県)
Second Grand Prix
Daiginjo A
“Rokko no Shizuku” Daiginjo /大吟醸 六甲の雫
Koyama Honke Shuzo Nadahama Fukutsurugura (Hyogo Prefecture) /株式会社 小山本家酒造 灘浜福鶴蔵(兵庫県)
Hideyoshi “Matsuemon” Daiginjo /秀よし 大吟醸松右衛門
Suzuki Shuzoten (Akita Prefecture) /合名会社 鈴木酒造店(秋田県)
Daiginjo B
Mansaku no Hana “Junmai Daiginjo Yamada 45” /純米大吟醸 まんさくの花 山田45
Hinomaru Jozo (Akita Prefecture) /日の丸醸造株式会社(秋田県)
Hoyo “Kura no Hana” Junmai Daiginjo /蔵の華 純米大吟醸 鳳陽
Uchigasaki Shuzoten (Miyagi Prefecture) /合資会社 内ヶ崎酒造店(宮城県)
Yuki no Bosha “Hiden Yamahai” /雪の茅舎 秘伝山廃
Saiya Shuzoten (Akita Prefecture) /株式会社 斎弥酒造店(秋田県)
Katsuyama “Ken” Junmai Ginjo/ 勝山 純米吟醸 献
Sendai Isawake Katsuyama Shuzo (Miyagi Prefecture) /仙台伊澤家勝山酒造株式会社(宮城県)
Mutsuhassen “Tokubetsu Junmai” /陸奥八仙 特別純米
Hachinohe Shuzo (Aomori Prefecture) /八戸酒造株式会社(青森県)
Nanbu Bijin “Tokubetsu Junmaishu” /南部美人 特別純米酒
Nanbu Bijin (Iwate Prefecture) /株式会社 南部美人(岩手県)
Emerald award*
Tonoike Shuzoten /株式会社 外池酒造店
Sanzen /燦爛
*Emerald award is awarded to the brewery who have awarded Gold and Silver in the past and has the most point when evaluate.
(Ref. U.S. National Sake Appraisal)