Japanese Sake market report November 2021

Japanese Sake market report November 2021


Please find the updating market report of June 2021. As the data is available slightly late, this month ikki will deliver the statistics of September 2021.

To be precise, Sake on the data means exported products from Japan under HS code of 2206.00.

The data you can find is as below;


  1. Total exported volume and value September 2021
  2. Exported volume by area September 2021
  3. Exported amount by area September 2021
  4. Average FOB price September 2021
  5. Exchange rate November 2021


Please find the data below.

Total exported volume and value September 2021

 In September 2021, the exported volume dropped to 2.8 million liters and the exported amount slightly fell to about 3.4 billion JPY.

 From the chart above, we can read that premium expensive Sake was more to keeping the traded volume while reasonable Sake was not traded. Mostly it was caused by shutdowns in many South Asian countries in the period and pessimistic views by importers towards Christmas season.

Exported volume by area September 2021


 As you can see from the chart above, the drop in the traded volume in Asia area lead the fall in total traded volume. Nevertheless, in most of the area the volume dropped so we can think as importers decided to trade in advance to prepare for the Christmas.

Exported amount by area September 2021

 The graph above shows the change in exported amount in North/South America, East/West/South Asia, Oceania, North/East/West Europe and Africa.

 In East Asia, it keeps the traded amount, so the drop in the total amount was lead by the other areas. It is happy to see the growth in the amount in Western Europe.

Average FOB price September 2021

 Sharp rise in FOB price overall. It means more premium Sake traded than reasonable Sake. Actually, it is the record high price. Guess people import for gifts rather than the consumption in restaurants casually. 

Exchange rate November 2021

 USD and EUR continues to get stronger against JPY. It is a good mood for most of the importers, but the rise in logistic costs need to be solved to get over the situation.