SAKE NEWS from JAPAN – ikki Weekly Update 9th – 15th November 2020


SAKE NEWS from JAPAN – ikki Weekly Update 9th – 15th November 2020


In this ikki weekly news, ikki deliver what is happening in Japan in Sake industry for your knowledge as well as hints for your business.

Please note that if you would like to see photos or full contents, kindly visit the original site from the link below the news topic and use google translate to see the full news.


The updated news in 9th – 15th November 2020 is below;


[New Product]

Sun rises again. Imayotsukasa launched the project to produce “Koinishiki Tanchou The rising sun” / Imayorotsukasa

Ref.日はまた昇る。今代司酒造、挑戦がテーマの日本酒『錦鯉 丹頂 The RISING SUN』を造るプロジェクトを開始!/ PR TIMES



[New Product]

Echigo Nagaoka “Hakuro Shuzo” released Nigori and Muroka Nama / Hakuro Shuzo

Ref.越後長岡「柏露酒造」より、冬季限定商品「にごり酒」と「無濾過生原酒」を11月から新発売/PR TIMES





Furumachi Koji Seizojo released 2 flavored Amazake Yuzu & Azuki / Furumachi Koji Seizojo

Ref.【古町糀製造所】寒さが深まる冬時期に、甘酒をよく温めてほっと一息 身体の内側から免疫を高めて冬本番に備えましょう/_ PR TIMES



[New Product]

Peach flavor limited Sake “Momoka” released / Gekkeikan

Ref.\蔵元直送・300本限定/ 月桂冠「Momoka」を数量限定発売/ PR TIMES



Word changes taste. KAORIUM for Sake, translate aroma into words, released / SCENTMATIC

Ref.言葉は、味わいを変える。 世界初、日本酒の風味を言語化するAIソムリエ「KAORIUM for Sake」を発表 2020年12月、横浜髙島屋に導入店舗がオープ/ PR TIMES





30 year aged Sake from Katsuyama Shuzo collaborated with Japanese wardrobe manufacturer Sendai Tansu / Katsuyama Shuzo

Ref.30年間氷温熟成した勝山の古酒と仙臺箪笥とのコラボレーションで38本限定販売/ PR TIMES