SAKE NEWS from JAPAN – ikki Weekly Update 4th – 10th January 2021
In this ikki weekly news, ikki deliver what is happening in Japan in Sake industry for your knowledge as well as hints for your business.
Please note that if you would like to see photos or full contents, kindly visit the original site from the link below the news topic and use google translate to see the full news.
The updated news in 4th – 10th January 2021 is below;
[New Product]
4mm thin wooden Sake vessel “TOHKA Shuhai” released / NEWWORLD
Ref.4mm極薄細な木の酒器「TOHKA酒杯」日本酒BAR監修でお酒の表情を楽しめる。Makuakeにて先行発売開始/ PR TIMES
The market of premium wine & spirits are forecasted to be 1,411 billion USD by 2027 in the world / Report Ocean
Ref.贅沢ワインとスピリッツの市場2027年までに1兆4,110億ドルに達すると推定されています/PR TIMES
The program non-Japanese in Japan select Japanese products to promote in & out of Japan “Omotenashi Selection” 1st group recruitment launched / ENGAWA
Ref.日本在住外国人が日本の優れた商品・サービスを認定し、国内外に発信するプログラム 「OMOTENASHI Selection」2021年度第1期の募集がスタート!/_ PR TIMES
[New Service]
Recika Co., Ltd. and Japan Import System established Unicask, offering the service to trade, store, manage casks of distilled alcohol with block chain system / Recika
Ref.レシカとJIS、蒸留酒の樽をスマホ一つで簡単に売買・保有・管理できるサービス「UniCask」を発表。コロナ禍でもブロックチェーン技術を用いてデジタルに所有の証明が可能。/ PR TIMES
[New Product]
Suntory Single molt whisky YAMAZAKI 2021 released / SUNTORY
Ref.サントリーシングルモルトウイスキー「山崎 LIMITED EDITION 2021」新発売/ PR TIMES