SAKE NEWS from JAPAN – ikki Weekly Update 28th September – 4th October 2020
In this ikki weekly news, ikki deliver what is happening in Japan in Sake industry for your knowledge as well as hints for your business.
Please note that if you would like to see photos or full contents, kindly visit the original site from the link below the news topic and use google translate to see the full news.
The updated news in 28th September – 4th October 2020 is below;
Go to Kuravel(Kura + Travel)! Sake night at the aquarium in Sendai! / Yokohama Hakkeijima
Ref. 【仙台うみの杜水族館】Go To Kuravel! 日本酒を飲んで酒蔵を応援!「魚を肴に 日本酒ナイト水族館」【2020年10月24日(土)開催】/ PR TIMES
[New product]
Halloween Japanese Sake from Manotsuru! / Obata Shuzo
Ref. ハロウィン限定日本酒、“魔除け”の⾟⼝「魔の鶴」でHappy Halloween! / PR TIMES
[New product]
Swirling Japanese Sake. Japanese Sake vessel “天頂 – Zenith” released / JTC
Ref.「日本酒をスワリングする」新しい提案 仏ソムリエの巨匠が考案の日本酒専用酒器【天頂】/ PR TIMES
Japanese Sake flavor chart on your EC. Sakenowa widget released / Aiiro Systems
Ref. 日本酒のフレーバーチャートや銘柄情報をあなたのサイトにプラス。日本酒アプリさけのわがウィジェットを無料提供 / PR TIMES
[New product]
Enzyme in your personal bath room. Sakekasu(Sake lee) bath item released / Table Company
Ref. 自宅で酵素風呂体験を。発酵温浴のパイオニアが手がける【酒粕入浴剤】をMakuake(マクアケ)にて先行販売開始。今だけお得なMakuake特別価格。 / PR TIMES