SAKE NEWS from JAPAN – ikki Weekly Update 19th – 25th October 2020


SAKE NEWS from JAPAN – ikki Weekly Update 19th – 25th October 2020


In this ikki weekly news, ikki deliver what is happening in Japan in Sake industry for your knowledge as well as hints for your business.

Please note that if you would like to see photos or full contents, kindly visit the original site from the link below the news topic and use google translate to see the full news.


The updated news in 19th – 25th October 2020 is below;


[Brewery News]

30 years since the revival of Goriki Sake rice: Anniversary Sake “Marobashi Goriki” released / Hiokizakura

Ref.強力米 復古30周年記念酒「転強力」(まろばしごうりき)発売/ PR TIMES



[Brewery News]

Hakurei released the brand-new sparkling products “HAKUREI SPARKLING WATER” and “HAKUREI SPARKLING SAKE” / Hakurei brewing co., ltd.





DtoC craft beer company “Moon X” and healthy OTSUMAMI company “Snack me” collaborate to release the beer time set for Autumn night / MOON X

Ref.【200セット限定】進化するD2Cビール × ヘルシーおつまみ『クリスタルIPA & snaq. me 秋の夜長ビアタイムセット』 販売開始/_ PR TIMES



[New Products]

Craft ale beer with 7 different peach from Yamanashi is released / Sankt Gallen Brewery

Ref.サンクトガーレン、山梨の“訳あり桃”500kg使用ビール「7種の桃のエール」10月22日発売。毎秋イベントで1日1,000杯超の販売実績をもつビール、初のボトル販売/ PR TIMES



[New Product]

Start up company “SHOCHU X” release Original high-class Shochu “SHOCHU X kizuna” on their E-commerce website / SHOCHU X

Ref.焼酎ベンチャーの株式会社SHOCHU Xが、”高価格オリジナル焼酎”を販売するEコマース”SHOCHU X”を10月25日21:00~より本格販売開始/ PR TIMES



[Industry News]

“SAKE SAMURAI”, the title for the one who love and spread Sake culture, 2020 is appointed / Japan Sake Brewers Association Junior Council

Ref.『日本酒を愛し、日本酒文化を世界に広める「酒サムライ」叙任者決定!!』/_ PR TIMES



[New Products]

Prepare Sake like coffee: Sake series for hot  kan Sake  “THE KAN”  released  / Yamanokotobuki

Ref.珈琲を淹れる様に楽しめる日本酒「THE KAN」が昨年好評の辛口仕様で登場。山の壽酒造が提案する冬の夜を楽しめる熱燗にも適した日本酒。/ PR TIMES