SAKE NEWS from JAPAN – ikki Weekly Update 18th – 24th January 2021


SAKE NEWS from JAPAN – ikki Weekly Update 18th – 24th January 2021



In this ikki weekly news, ikki deliver what is happening in Japan in Sake industry for your knowledge as well as hints for your business.

Please note that if you would like to see photos or full contents, kindly visit the original site from the link below the news topic and use google translate to see the full news.


The updated news in 18th – 24th January 2021 is below;


[New Service]

Yaegaki offers the best pairing menu with their premium brand “Hasegawa Eiga” at their own outlet / Yaegaki Sake&Spirits Inc.

Ref.長谷川栄雅 六本木、『ヴィラ アイーダ』小林寛司シェフがプロデュースする「日本酒体験」のアテ(酒の肴)メニューを一部刷新、1月20日(水)より提供開始/ PR TIMES





Old  to New Ichinokura rebrand “Mukansa Honjozo series” / Ichinokura

Ref.発売から44年 一ノ蔵が「無鑑査本醸造シリーズ」を初リブランディング 飲みきりサイズ300mlの「辛口」「甘口」「超辛口」も新登場/PR TIMES






Shikoku Sake Matsuri cancelled. Online Sake Matsuri will take place instead on YouTube on 6th March / Shikoku Sake Matsuri

Ref.毎年3万人の来場イベント「四国酒まつり」がコロナの影響で中止に。四国内の蔵元が丹精込めて造ったこだわりの地酒で「オンライン酒まつり」を開催!/PR TIMES



[New Product]

Enjoy Sake at home. The water produced by Kikisakeshi as a chaser to drink in your Sake time / Belluna

Ref.家飲みでお酒を賢く楽しむ新常識!新開発!晩酌のお供にオススメな「利酒師が考えた冷まし水」/ PR TIMES



[New Product]

Famous Manga with the them Fermentation “Moyashimon” and Tokyo University of Agriculture collaborate to release Sake on crowd funding / Agnavi

Ref.「もやしもん×農学原酒」コラボ!東京農大の学生が醸す純米大吟醸を限定缶で届けたい!CAMPFIREで先行販売!©石川雅之/講談社/ PR TIMES