SAKE NEWS from JAPAN – ikki Weekly Update 10th May 2021-


SAKE NEWS from JAPAN – ikki Weekly Update 10th May 2021-

In this ikki weekly news, ikki deliver what is happening in Japan in Sake industry for your knowledge as well as hints for your business.

Please note that if you would like to see photos or full contents, kindly visit the original site from the link below the news topic and use google translate to see the full news.


The updated news in the week of 10th May 2021 is below;



Conserve the culture

Revive straw rope, sustainable action by Kenbishi / Kenbishi

straw rope Sake

Ref.日本古来の「藁縄」復活事業を創業500年の酒蔵が開始 酒樽を縛る縄を藁に戻したいという想いからはじめたサステナブルな取り組み~酒造りの伝統復活と、プラスチックごみ削減によりSDGsにも貢献~/ PR TIMES



Nihonsakari collaboration product

Japanese sake brewery Nihonsakari & Outdoor brand Mont-bell collaborated and produced Original koozie & choko with Nama Genshu bottle / Nihonsakari

Nihonsakari Nama Genshu bottle

Ref.ー40分で500個完売!話題のクージー第4弾!1,000個限定販売ー「日本盛×mont-bellオリジナルおちょこ付きクージーと生原酒ボトル缶セット」オンライン限定販売のお知らせ/ PR TIMES




The highest bid on Sake

The record highest bid on Japanese Sake at the auction in Shinwa Auction “Tabisuru Nihonshu” / Experience

Sake at auction

Ref.オークション史上最高額の清酒が誕生!/PR TIMES





Sake server at the airport lounge

Funvino wine Sake server installed at JAL first class lounge at Haneda / Narita airport / Global

Sake server at airport

Ref.「ファンヴィーノ ワイン・Sakeサーバー」がJAL日本航空のファーストクラスラウンジ・サクララウンジに採用。ワイン・日本酒のサーバー提供を開始。感染症対策・品質保持・保冷の頼れる機能で導入拡大中。/PR TIMES