London Sake Challenge / Award winning Sake 2020
Japanese Sake is getting more and more attentions from the world from Asia, America and Europe.
There are many breweries out of Japan and people in the world started to know about Japanese Sake and judging the qualities.
This time, ikki delivers information about the competition result of London Sake Challenge 2020 and introduce award winning Sake.
London Sake Challenge
London Sake Challenge established in the year of London Olympic 2012 and held the first competition at the same year to play the role to expand the Sake market and increase the awareness of Sake in Europe from London.
The aim of the competition is to value Sake at the world standard. They care about the pairing of world cuisine, not only Japanese cuisine, and handing the tasting note to all the evaluated Sake producers. In the evaluation process, they take labels, design of the bottle and box, pairing into account as well as taste of Sake.
In addition to the competition, they also organize the promotion to the world media and hold the PR event in London to assist the Sake to be enjoyed by more people in the world.
The entries Sake with the alcohol content less than 24% is judged in 11 categories as below;
- ・Junmai Daiginjo
- ・Daiginjo
- ・Junmai Ginjo
- ・Honjozo
- ・Tokubetsu Junmai / Junmai
- ・Koshu
- ・Other
- ・New World Sake
- ・Umeshu
- ・Yuzushu
- ・Wine (from Japan)
The result LSC 2020 Platinum
In 2020, there are 22 Platinum, 51 Gold, 51 Silver, 12 Bronze awarded in the judgment process. Congratulations to all the winning breweries.
On this post, ikki introduce the Sake won Platinum award in the competition this time, and the result is as below;
Junmai Daiginjo
Kuramitsu 蔵光
Kikusui Sake Co., Ltd. NIIGATA 菊水酒造株式会社 新潟県
Toyonoume Junmai-Daiginjo Ryuso 豊能梅 純米大吟醸 龍奏
Takagi Shuzo Inc. KOCHI 高木酒造株式会社 高知県
Junmaidaiginjo Hanayuki 純米大吟醸 花雪
Kawazu Sake Brewing Company KUMAMOTO 河津酒造株式会社 熊本県
Raifuku Junmaidaiginjo Betsuatsurae 来福 純米大吟醸 別誂
Raifuku shuzo Co.Ltd IBARAKI 来福酒造株式会社 茨城県
Born : Tokusen Junmaidaiginjo 梵 ・ 特撰純米大吟醸
Katoukichibee Shouten FUKUI 合資会社加藤吉平商店 福井県
Sotenden JunmaiDaiginjo 蒼天伝 純米大吟醸
Otokoyama Honten Co.,Ltd. MIYAGI 株式会社男山本店 宮城県
Shinto No Inori Saio 神都の祈り 斎王
Asahi Syuzo Co., Ltd./Shinto no Inori Association MIE 旭酒造株式会社/一般社団法人神都の祈り 三重県
Shusen Eikoh Junmai-Daiginjo Laugh With Sake 酒仙栄光 純米大吟醸 Laugh With Sake
Eikoh Sake Brewery Inc. 栄光酒造株式会社 愛媛県
Kuromatsu Hakushika Junmaidaiginjo 黒松白鹿 純米大吟醸
Tatsuuma-Honke Brewing Co. Ltd. HYOGO 辰馬本家酒造株式会社 兵庫県
Heavensake Junmai Daiginjo
Dassai brewery : Lucky Sake AG YAMAGUCHI 旭酒造 : Lucky Sake AG 山口県
Mutsu Hassen Daiginjo 陸奥八仙 大吟醸
Hachinohe Shuzo co.,ltd. AOMORI 八戸酒造株式会社 青森県
Junmai Ginjo
Kurabito No Jimansake 蔵人の自慢酒
Shimonoseki Shuzo Co.,LTD. YAMAGUCHI 下関酒造株式会社 山口県
Tokubetsu Junmai / Junmai
Iwanoi hei wanoshirabe 岩の井 平・和の調べ
Iwase shuzo Co.,LTD CHIBA 岩瀬酒造株式会社 千葉県
「Do-an」~HATATOSE 「道庵」~はたとせ
Yoshimura-Hideo Shoten Co,Ltd./story Co.,Ltd WAKAYAMA 株式会社吉村秀雄商店/株式会社story 和歌山県
Chiyomusubi Sake Brewery Co., LTD. TOTTORI 千代むすび酒造株式会社 鳥取県
Mutsu Hassen Rice Al 陸奥八仙 RICE ALE
Hachinohe Shuzo co.,ltd. AOMORI 八戸酒造株式会社 青森県
New World Sake
Le Vent
Les Larmes du Levant RHONE-ALPS
Awa Kuromitsu Umeshu 阿波黒蜜梅酒
Saito Brewery Co., Ltd. TOKUSHIMA 有限会社齋藤酒造場 徳島県
Aonotsuyu Umeshu 青の露 梅酒
Kokonoesaika Co,Ltd WAKAYAMA 株式会社九重雜賀 和歌山県
Saika Yuzushu 雑賀 柚酒
Kokonoesaika Co,Ltd WAKAYAMA 株式会社九重雜賀 和歌山県
Wine (from Japan)
RI-KA-EN Red Muscat Bailey A 2018 利果園 赤 マスカット・ベーリーA 2018
Katashimo Winery OSAKA カタシモワイナリー/カタシモワインフード株式会社 大阪府
Adagio di Uenoyama Adagio di 上ノ山
Domaine Kayagatake YAMANASHI ドメーヌ茅ヶ岳 山梨県