Japanese SAKE market report March 2020

Japanese SAKE market report March 2020

Please find the updating market report of March 2020. As the data is available slightly late, this month ikki will deliver the statistics of January 2020.

To be precise, Sake on the data means exported products from Japan under HS code of 2206.00.

The data you can find is as below;


  1. Total exported volume and value by January 2020
  2. Exported amount by area and its ratio January 2020
  3. Average FOB price January 2020
  4. Exchange rate March 2020


Please find the data below.


Total exported volume and value by January 2020

The export volume of Japanese Sake dropped down in January to 1,420,000L at 1,405 million JPY. Nevertheless, we can see this fall as a reaction to the growth in December.

Hope the market come back, but due to COVOD-19, seams still in the tunnel.


Exported amount by area and its ratio January 2020

Comparing to January 2019, it has been dropped about 10 %.

In South Asia, Oceania and Western Europe, the market still growing in this harsh season.

There was no export to Africa in January.



Average FOB price January 2020

Even the market itself is quiet in terms of volume, average FOB price is keeping the high position.

It might lead to higher category products such as Ginjo having larger proportion of exporting volume.



Exchange rate March 2020

Over the year, JPY is gaining power gradually.

Due to COVID-19, this tendency would continue.


(Ref. Ministry of Finance)