
Brewery List of Shiga

Click the sake brewery name to see details.

Akatsuki Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Akatsuki Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 暁酒造有限会社
Address 1389 Koshinohara Yasu-shi Shiga 520-2331
TEL 077-587-0020
FAX 077-587-0020
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Akatsuki
Representative brand (JA)
Ikemoto Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Ikemoto Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 池本酒造有限会社
Address 221 Imazu Imazu-cho Takashima-shi Shiga 520-1621
WebSite http://www.biwa-cho.com/
TEL 0740-22-2112
FAX 0740-22-1571
Product Japanese Sake / Plum Wine
Representative brand (EN) Biwa no Choju
Representative brand (JA) 琵琶の長寿
Uehara Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Uehara Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 上原酒造株式会社
Address 1524 Oota Shinasahi-cho Takashima-shi Shiga 520-1512
WebSite http://furosen.com/
TEL 0740-25-2075
FAX 0740-25-5463
Product Japanese Sake / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Furosen
Representative brand (JA) 不老泉
Tomitsuru Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Tomitsuru Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 愛知酒造有限会社
Address 207 Nonome Aisho-cho Echi-gun Shiga 529-1227
TEL 0749-42-2134
FAX 0749-42-6361
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Tomitsuru
Representative brand (JA) 富鶴
Emishiki Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Emishiki Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 笑四季酒造株式会社
Address 1-7-8 Honmachi Minakuchi-cho Koga-shi Shiga 528-0031
WebSite http://www.emishiki.com/
TEL 0748-62-0007
FAX 0748-62-9545
Email jizake@emishiki.com
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Emishiki
Representative brand (JA) 笑四季
The Omi Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) The Omi Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 近江酒造株式会社
Address 9-16 Kamino-cho Youkaichi Omi-shi Shiga 527-0022
WebSite http://www.shigasakari.com/
TEL 0748-22-0001
FAX 0748-23-1000
Product Japanese Sake / Plum Wine
Representative brand (EN) Omiryumon
Representative brand (JA) 近江龍門
Oota Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Oota Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 太田酒造株式会社
Address 3-10-37 Kusatsu Kusatsu-shi Shiga 525-0034
WebSite http://www.ohta-shuzou.co.jp/
TEL 077-562-1105~1106
FAX 077-564-0046
Product Japanese Sake / Shochu / Wine / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Dokan
Representative brand (JA) 道灌
Okamura Honke Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Okamura Honke Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 株式会社岡村本家
Address 100 Yoshida Toyosato-cho Inukami-gun Shiga 529-1165
WebSite http://kin-kame.dx.shopserve.jp/
TEL 0749-35-2538
FAX 0749-35-3500
Email kinkame@hera.eonet.ne.jp
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Kinkame
Representative brand (JA) 金亀
Otose Shuzojo Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Otose Shuzojo Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 音瀬酒造場
Address 1079 Takamiya-cho Hikone-shi Shiga 522-0201
TEL 0749-22-2136
FAX 0749-24-9236
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Shojogiku
Representative brand (JA) 猩々菊
Kawashima Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Kawashima Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 川島酒造株式会社
Address 83 Asahi Shinasahi-cho Takashima-shi Shiga 520-1501
WebSite https://www.matsu87.jp/
TEL 0740-25-2202
FAX 0740-25-2202
Email info@matsu87.jp
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Matsu no Hana
Representative brand (JA) 松の花
Kitajima Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Kitajima Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 北島酒造株式会社
Address 756 Hari Konan-shi Shiga 520-3231
WebSite http://www.kitajima-shuzo.jp/
TEL 0748-72-0012
FAX 0748-72-0124
Email info@kitajima-shuzo.jp
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Miyosakae
Representative brand (JA) 御代栄
Kita Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Kita Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 喜多酒造株式会社
Address 1129 Ikeda-cho Higashiomi-shi Shiga 527-0054
WebSite http://kirakucho.jp/
TEL 0748-22-2505
FAX 0748-24-0505
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Kirakucho
Representative brand (JA) 喜楽長
Sato Shuzo Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Sato Shuzo Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 佐藤酒造株式会社
Address 979 Enoki-cho Nagahama-shi Shiga 526-0805
WebSite http://www.nagahamanosake.com/
TEL 0749-68-3600
Product Japanese Sake / Plum Wine / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Miharukoma
Representative brand (JA) 三春駒
Shiga Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Shiga Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 滋賀酒造株式会社
Address 39 Sandaiji Minakuchi-cho Kouka-shi Shiga 528-0046
WebSite https://kibumusume.net
TEL 0748-62-2001
FAX 0748-62-4114
Email shop@kibumusume.net
Product Japanese Sake / Beer
Representative brand (EN) Kibumuzume
Representative brand (JA) 貴生娘
Seko Syuzo Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Seko Syuzo Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 瀬古酒造株式会社
Address 1807 Ueno Kouka-cho Kouka-shi Shiga 520-3421
WebSite http://www.sekoshuzo.co.jp/
TEL 0748-88-2102
FAX 0748-88-4130
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Ninja
Representative brand (JA) 忍者
Taga Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Taga Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 多賀株式会社
Address 102 Nakagawara Taga-cho Inukami-gun Shiga 522-0355
WebSite http://www.sakenotaga.co.jp/
TEL 0749-48-0134
FAX 0749-48-1363
Email info@sakenotaga.co.jp
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Taga
Representative brand (JA) 多賀
Takeuchi Shuzo Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Takeuchi Shuzo Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 竹内酒造株式会社
Address Ishibechuou Konan-shi Shiga 520-3106
WebSite http://www.takeuchishuzo.co.jp/
TEL 0748-77-2001
FAX 0748-77-2963
Product Japanese Sake / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Ka no izumi
Representative brand (JA) 香の泉
Tanaka Sake Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Tanaka Sake Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 田中酒造株式会社
Address 474 Oharaichiba Kouka-cho Kouka-shi Shiga 520-3433
WebSite http://harunomine.com/
TEL 0748-88-2023
FAX 0748-88-2261
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Haru no Mine
Representative brand (JA) 春乃峰
Tsuki no Sato Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Tsuki no Sato Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 月の里酒造株式会社
Address 3-29-9 Ishiyamadera Ootsu-shi Shiga 520-0861
TEL 077-537-0007
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Tsuki no Sato
Representative brand (JA) 月の里
Tomita Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Tomita Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 冨田酒造有限会社
Address 1107 Kinomoto Kinomoto-cho Nagahama-shi Shiga 529-0425
WebSite http://www.7yari.co.jp/
TEL 0749-82-2013
FAX 0749-82-5507
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Shichihonyari
Representative brand (JA) 七本槍
Nakazawa Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Nakazawa Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 中澤酒造有限会社
Address 570 Gokasho Obata-cho Oumi-shi Shiga 529-1422
TEL 0748-48-2054
FAX 0748-48-5778
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Kazuhiro
Representative brand (JA) 一博
Naminooto Shuzo Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Naminooto Shuzo Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 浪乃音酒造株式会社
Address 1-7-16 Honkatata Ootsu-shi Shiga 520-0242
WebSite http://www.naminooto.com
TEL 077-573-0002
FAX 077-573-4948
Email info@naminooto.com
Product Japanese Sake / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Nami no Oto
Representative brand (JA) 浪乃音
Nishikatsu Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Nishikatsu Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 西勝酒造株式会社
Address 21 Naka Suwai-cho Oumihachiman-shi Shiga 523-0862
TEL 0748-32-2054
FAX 0748-32-6336
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Kotobuki
Representative brand (JA) 湖東富貴
Nishizawa Tohei Shoten Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Nishizawa Tohei Shoten Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 株式会社西沢藤平商店
Address 2 Sawa Toyosawa-cho Inukami-gun Shiga 529-1175
TEL 0749-35-2002
FAX 0749-35-2002
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Shussehomare
Representative brand (JA) 出世誉
Nishida Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Nishida Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 西田酒造株式会社
Address 1-29 Shoei Minakuchi-cho Kouka-shi Shiga 528-0015
TEL 0748-62-0046
FAX 0748-62-0046
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Yoikomachi
Representative brand (JA) 酔小町
Hata Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Hata Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 畑酒造有限会社
Address 1410 Kowaki-cho Higashiooumi-shi Shiga 527-0091
TEL 0748-22-0332
FAX 0748-23-5689
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Kiryoyoshi
Representative brand (JA) 喜量能
Hirai Shoten Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Hirai Shoten Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 有限会社平井商店
Address 1-2-33 Chuou Ootsu-shi Shiga 520-0043
WebSite http://www.biwa.ne.jp/~asajio/
TEL 077-522-1277
Email asajio@mx.biwa.ne.jp
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Asajio
Representative brand (JA) 浅茅生
Fukui Yahei Shoten Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Fukui Yahei Shoten Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 株式会社福井弥平商店
Address 1387-1 Katsuno Takashima-shi Shiga 520-1121
WebSite http://www.haginotsuyu.co.jp/
TEL 0740-36-1011
FAX 0740-36-1633
Product Japanese Sake / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Hagi no Tsuyu
Representative brand (JA) 萩乃露
Fujii Honke Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Fujii Honke Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 藤居本家
Address 793 Nagano Aisho-cho Echi-gun Shiga 529-1303
WebSite http://www.fujiihonke.jp/
TEL 0749-42-2080
FAX 0749-42-3047
Product Japanese Sake / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Kyokujitsu
Representative brand (JA) 旭日
Fujimoto Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Fujimoto Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 藤本酒造株式会社
Address 696 Bannakayama Minakuchi-cho Kouka-shi Shiga 528-0064
WebSite http://www.ac-koka.jp/sinkai/
TEL 0748-62-0410
FAX 0748-62-0650
Email sinkai@lily.ocn.ne.jp
Product Japanese Sake / Liqueur
Representative brand (EN) Shinkai
Representative brand (JA) 神開
Furukawa Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Furukawa Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 古川酒造有限会社
Address 1-3-33 Yagura Kusatsu-shi Shiga 525-0053
WebSite https://hqdailym.wixsite.com/furukawasyuzo
TEL 077-562-2116
FAX 077-562-2116
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Munehana
Representative brand (JA) 宗花
Masumoto Toubee Shuzojo Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Masumoto Toubee Shuzojo Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 増本藤兵衛酒造場
Address 1019 Jingo-cho Higashioumi-shi Shiga 521-1213
WebSite http://www.ac-koka.jp/sinkai/http://www.ususakura.jp/
TEL 0748-42-0129
FAX 0748-42-6077
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Ususakura
Representative brand (JA) 薄桜
Matsuoka Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Matsuoka Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 松岡酒造有限会社
Address 517-2 Maeno Tsuchiyama-cho Koouka-shi Shiga 528-0232
TEL 0748-67-0216
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Hinodematsu
Representative brand (JA) 日の出松
Matsuse Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Matsuse Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 松瀬酒造株式会社
Address 475 Yuge Ryuou-cho Gamou-gun Shiga 520-2501
WebSite http://matsunotsukasa.com/
TEL 0748-58-0009
FAX 0748-58-0194
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Matsu no Tsukasa
Representative brand (JA) 松の司
Mifuku Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Mifuku Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 美冨久酒造株式会社
Address 3-2 Nishihayashiguchi Minakuchi-cho Kouka-shi Shiga 528-0025
WebSite http://www.mifuku.co.jp/
TEL 0748-62-1113
FAX 0748-62-1173
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Mifuku
Representative brand (JA) 美冨久
Mochizuki Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Mochizuki Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 望月酒造株式会社
Address 1158 Mobira Kouka-cho Kouka-shi Shiga 520-3425
TEL 0748-88-2020
FAX 0748-88-6090
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Suzukabuto
Representative brand (JA) 寿々兜
Yao Sake Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Yao Sake Brewing Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 矢尾酒造株式会社
Address 512 Nakazaiji Hino-cho Gamou-gun Shiga 529-1662
WebSite https://www.suzumasamune.com/
TEL 0748-53-0015
FAX 0748-53-2218
Email yao_brewing@suzumasamune.com
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Suzumasamune
Representative brand (JA) 鈴正宗
Yasui Shuzojo Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Yasui Shuzojo Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 安井酒造場
Address 225 Tokuhara Tsuchiyama-cho Kouka-shi Shiga 528-0234
WebSite http://hatsusakura.jp/
TEL 0748-67-0027
FAX 0748-70-3345
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Hatsusakura
Representative brand (JA) 初桜
Yamaoka Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Yamaoka Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 山岡酒造有限会社
Address 1395-1 Nishiatsuji Takatsuki-cho Nagahama-shi Shiga 529-0253
TEL 0749-85-5167
FAX 0749-85-5417
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Ko no Homare
Representative brand (JA) 湖の誉
Yamaji Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Yamaji Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 山路酒造有限会社
Address 990 Kinomoto Kinomoto-cho Nagahama-shi Shiga 529-0425
WebSite http://www.hokkokukaidou.com/
TEL 0749-82-3037
FAX 0749-82-5100
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Hokkokukaido
Representative brand (JA) 北國街道
Yoshida Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (EN) Yoshida Brewery Co., Ltd.
Name (JA) 吉田酒造有限会社
Address 2292 Kaizu Makino-cho Takashima-shi Shiga 520-1811
WebSite http://chikubu-sakura.com/
TEL 0740-28-0014
FAX 0740-28-1390
Email kaizu@pastel.ocn.ne.jp
Product Japanese Sake
Representative brand (EN) Chikubushima
Representative brand (JA) 竹生嶋