Japanese Sake market report January 2022

Japanese Sake market report January 2022


Please find the updating market report of June 2021. As the data is available slightly late, this month ikki will deliver the statistics of November 2021.

To be precise, Sake on the data means exported products from Japan under HS code of 2206.00.

The data you can find is as below;


  1. Total exported volume and value November 2021
  2. Exported volume by area November 2021
  3. Exported amount by area November 2021
  4. Average FOB price November 2021
  5. Baltic Exchange Dry Index 2021-2022
  6. Exchange rate January 2022


Please find the data below.

Total exported volume and value November 2021


  In November 2021, the export volume recorded 37 million litre and the export value recorded 40 billion JPY.

 November is the season which is the timing for the preparation for Valentine’s day for sea transport, which has a large proportion, the amount slightly decreased conparing to the last month, but still it is a good result.

Exported volume by area November 2021


 Looking at the volume by the area, there is a tendency that Asia increased while the rest of the areas decreased.

 Under the today’s covid situation, the trade volume is affected by the situation of each countries and areas. In those timing the situation of US and Europe were getting worse, from the next month it would be severe for Asia region as well.

Exported amount by area November 2021

 The graph also shows clear drop in US, South Asia and rise in East and South Asia. Let’s see this is a peak in East and South Asia or not. Hope to continue rising at least in December.

 In the rest of the area, referencing to the covid situation, it would be difficult to gain more tradings.

Average FOB price November 2021

 While there was a sharp rise in the past 2 months, the clear drop is seen in this month.

 Nevertheless, it is still keeping a high price, so in the other words the certain amount of premium Sake traded.


Baltic Exchange Dry Index 2021-2022


 Baltic Exchange Dry Index shows the tendency in the change in trading logistic costs.

 The Index numbers has been decreasing since October and this tendency would likely to be continued. Nevertheless, it would be difficult to reflect this drop to real shipping cost. It is predicted to take still a time.

Exchange rate January 2021


 In both USD and EUR, JPY got weaker. It is a good tendency for export to the world, in the other words cheaper costs for non-JPY countries, but Japanese economy tends to get inflated. After the inflation it would lead to the rise in costs for breweries, so need to look the situation carefully.