Japanese Sake Market Report May 2020

Japanese Sake Market Report May 2020

Please find the updating market report of April 2020. As the data is available slightly late, this month ikki will deliver the statistics of March 2020.

To be precise, Sake on the data means exported products from Japan under HS code of 2206.00.

The data you can find is as below;


  1. Total exported volume and value by March 2020
  2. Exported amount by area and its ratio March 2020
  3. Average FOB price March 2020
  4. Exchange rate May 2020


Please find the data below.


Total exported volume and value by March 2020

The export volume of Japanese Sake came back in March 2020 to about 2,209,000L at 1,900 million JPY

The volume increased, because of those traded orders was settled still before the corona issue in the world, but comparing to the previous year slowed down.

So, we can read that the potential of market is still more and more, but could meet the demand due to the harsh reality.


Exported amount by area and its ratio March 2020

Comparing to February 2019, it has been dropped about 22 %.

Mostly dropped, but 4 areas were different to the rests.

Southern hemisphere: South America and Oceania, increased. Especially in South America volume was not that much, but almost 2.5 times more. This is huge.

In Northern Europe, it also shows positive and strong. Might link to the level of disposable income.

Lastly, Western Europe. They might be preparing for the event season coming.


Need to see carefully even in those 4 areas, as how those stocks will be consumed and from when.



Average FOB price March 2020

Average FOB keeps falling, but almost same as the last year.

Need to check when it goes up; May like the last year?



Exchange rate May 2020

Got stable after corona both in USD, EUR.

As countries like China got recovered and starting economical activity, soon be some affects from the other countries movements as well.



(Ref. Ministry of Finance)