Japanese Sake market report September 2023
Please find the updating market report of the month. As the official data is available slightly late, this month ikki will deliver Japanese Sake market report of July 2023.
To be precise, Sake on the data means exported products from Japan under HS code of 2206.00.
- -Total exported volume and value
- -Exported amount by area
- -Average FOB price
- -Baltic Exchange Dry Index
- -Exchange rate
Summary of the world Sake market July 2023
On June, the exported amount and value of Sake both went up. In the wide scope, Sake market is getting back to the level of before covid. It may be because of the fact JPY keeps getting weak against other currency such as USD, EUR. Nevertheless, it is good to see the areas of large consumption; US, China and other, are getting back. After those area it will spread to the other area, Asia, Europe, and South America.
Total exported volume and value
Exported amount by area
Average FOB price
Baltic Exchange Dry Index
Exchange rate JPY/USD EUR