
ikki is Sake web media operated by Japanese Sake trading company 【J. Kobayashi Co., Ltd.】(JK hereafter). JK has been in Sake trading for many years to export Sake and spread Japanese Sake culture to the world, especially Europe. For the bright future of Sake industry, JK is putting effort to trade Japanese Sake to create more Sake lovers all over the WORLD and launched “ikki -Sake media from Japan”.
JK not only deliver the information from ikki, but also assist all the people who have a passion to spread Sake culture in their countries. “ikki” is an entrance for Sake trading with the assistance from JK trading team, and also the communication and information platform for the continuous success to create as many Sake lovers i the world.
In ikki, you can anything regarding Japanese Sake. Firstly, you can learn about the basic knowledge about Sake and further. Also, you can catch up with what is happening in Japan and Sake industry in news and look for potential breweries for your business. In addition, the event about Japanese Sake is gathered and posted on ikki and of course start trading with us.
Our passion on ikki is simple as below;
Reduce the barrier of Sake trading over the country boarder
Create as many Sake lovers in the World
Conserve the tradition and stimulate the innovation
We deliver informations to the World for the reasons above, so if you are Sake lover, and putting efforts to spread Sake culture in the world, please join the activity of ikki and let’s move for the future of Japanese Sake!
Please be a member of ikki by subscribing!

J. Kobayashi Co., Ltd.

Non Profit Organisation Japanese Sake Creators
Mr. Shuji Horie – Representative of Horie Search Eye Inc.